Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"What took you so long?" Hades demanded.

I gave him a droll stare as I appeared in the center of his beautified throne room. It had once instilled terror to all who entered, embedded with skulls and bones. Now it looked like Hallmark had puked everywhere, what with the high rising oaks and pines along the sides, bright rolling green grass, beautifully designed flowers and other outstanding flora. A quick glance around, though, assured me Dorean was nowhere in sight.

"I was dealing with Adrian," I answered dryly, watching Hades curl his lip in repungence at the mention of the demigod, "He's upset about Dorean. What did you do?" Hades scoffed, folding his arms over his chest as he rose off his throne and walk down the few steps toward me.

"I did what you wanted. I took the imp."

"Did you pay him for it?"

"I'm Hades, bitch, I take what I want without paying. Now quit beating around the bush and tell me the rest of my child's future and present." Hades ordered. I raised an eyebrow. Hades was one of those pompous self-centered egotistical bastards that flaunted his powers, which he technically had every right to because he was pretty strong, but he was also an asshole. Zeus and Poseidon were lucky they didn't have to deal with him around the clock, not like some of us.

I closed my eyes and conjured up the image of the god infant. Like before, he was wailing and tearful and grasping his tiny little hands out. A pair of arms was cradling him, and soon Blaine came into view, clutching at him. Voices were muffled and contorted, difficult to decipher, but Blaine looked horribly upset. He was screaming at someone, but I couldn't understand it.

That was the problem with delving into the future like this. Nothing was ever clear, but if I told Hades that, he'd throw a temper tantrum that made Theo's look like something from My Little Pony. So I continued to struggle against the veil that shielded the image.

Someone was trying to take the infant away from Blaine. It had to be Hades, and as soon as that deduction came to mind, Hades came into view and held the infant in his arms a moment later. Blaine was sobbing uncontrollably, almost as loud as his infant, as he tried to take him back, but Cerberus came into the picture and held him. Hades didn't look even slightly sorry as he took the infant into his arms and cradled him.

How strange to see someone as obnoxious and cruel as Hades holding a sobbing infant that was reaching out desperately for the parent who'd taken care of him these past nine months. Hades pretended not to notice, saying something to the infant that made it sniffle. His words were distorted, but I managed to catch the name of the child.

"Ambrosius," I muttered, "You name him Ambrosius." Hades cocked his head at that as I opened my eyes. He got an odd look on his face, but didn't elaborate as he nodded to me.

"He'll be a full god."

"He will."

"And his powers?"

"Still locked until he reaches puberty. Those I cannot see yet as they've been hidden by the Fates."

"What of his realm of power? Can't you at least tell me that?"

"That comes with the power package, daddy-kins, and I cannot see that."

"But he'll live? He'll bypass Prometheus's curse?"

"Yes." I said slowly. Hades narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"You don't sound certain."

"He was alive when I saw him." I answered flatly. Hades didn't look totally convinced, but he seemed to know when enough was enough. He could question me as much as he wanted, but he wouldn't get the answers until the time was right. He gave a wary sigh, running a hand through his black hair and started to pace. His thoughts were a wild fire of confusion and annoyance and only a bit of pride. Most fathers would be nervous, excited, and scared all at the same time. Hades was never one to fear anything, however. No matter what anyone said. He was heartless.

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