Voice mail

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Hello, honey! It's midnight now and I'm at this cool dark street. It's called Carl or erm . . . Charlie . . . no, no, no. Fuck yeah! It's Charles Street! Yay, I got it! I don't even know why I'm here, funny right? But hey! This lonely girl needs some peace. I used to always be afraid to come here because it's not safe. There are robbers, thieves and rapists they say. But you know what? There are nice people too. I met this guy who said that he'll take away all my worries. He gave me this drink, but I promise I drank only little . . . His friends are coming in some time and then he said he'll take me home. Bye for now, I love you! I will always love you . . .

Sent : 12:30 am
Date : 24 feb

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