Text Message Fifty Nine

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I'm so mad at you! Don't you get it that I would have loved to spend the last few weeks of your life together? I would have made sure to give you the most before you die, so you become a happy spirit.

I could have made your last moments special just like in fiction such as The fault in our stars and The walk to remember.

I could have made fiction a reality.

A reality which included less drama, unspoken messages, silent tears and genuine smiles.

Sent : 09:00 pm
Date : 12 April



You. Guys. Are. Seriously. The. Best.

I have received so many lovely feedbacks through private messages, my message wall and through comments section. It makes me smile everyday and I love you guys so much! Thank you for your patience and for sticking to this book though it is filled with short, frustrating updates.

Also, the fan art in the media is made by oceanwaved thank you so much gorgeous!

Subu ❤

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