How to publish Internationally and Locally (Ayala Museum, November 12, 2016)

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Author and publisher Mina V. Esguerra will talk about the indie and hybrid route to publishing your book. Find out how you can self-publish your manuscript, and sell it as an ebook or print book worldwide. Ask her about affordable printing, traditional publishing partnership possibilities, and finding readers who will love (and buy) your book. Samantha Sotto will share her personal experience in the field of international publishing – from finding a New York-based literary agent to being published by Random House, the world's largest general-interest trade book publisher. The talk will give you an overview of the steps required to get your book into the world market via the traditional publishing route.


Samantha Sotto is the bestselling author of Before Ever After which was published internationally by Crown/Random House in 2011. Her second novel, Love and Gravity, will be released by Ballantine/Random House in February 2017.

Mina Esguerra is an author and publisher of romance fiction. She blogs about her publishing experiments at She writes contemporary romance, young adult, and new adult novellas. She has a bachelor's degree in Communication from Ateneo de Manila University and a master's degree in Development Communication from the University of the Philippines.

She is the president of communications firm Bronze Age Media, development communication consultant, indie publisher, professional editor, wife, and mother.

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Publishing and Self-publishing: Advice for WritersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora