Plane Ride to Hell

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We have already been on this plane for 2 hours and it seems like forever. Thankfully Charlie fell asleep within half an hour after the plane left.

So here I am watching the Last Song and there is a cute Will and Ronnie scene and Charlie just has to wake up. I automatically turn my volume up another three or four notches just so I dont have to listen to him.

The waitress comes around again to see if we need anything more to drink and when she gets to us, Charlie being Charlie, flirts shamelessly with her. Its actually really disgusting considering she is probably mid thirties. But I dont think either of them mind because she flirts back too. He finally tells her that he wants a Pepsi and she then looks to me and I ask for a Pepsi too.

"Looks like we have the same taste in pop, wonder what else we share taste in?" he says to me with a nasty smirk on his face. I am astounded that he has the balls to say that to me so all I say back is "you are disgusting" and go back to watching my movien soon enough she comes back with our drinks and my movie ends.

Sadly my laptop is about to die so then I will have no source of entertainment. I'm in deep shit if that happens too. I have the urge to use the restroom so I ask if he could get up so I could go because of course he made me sit on the inside.

"Hey jerkface can I get up to use the bathroom?" I tried being nice before and nothing happened so now all my comments are rude to him. "You can just climb over sweetheart" he states with a sly grin on his face. "And risk you grabbing my ass? no thanks"

I finally get him to get up so I can relieve myself. I think he knows I dont do funny business so when he sees me coming back he stands up so I can get back in. The pilot turns on the fasten seatbelt sign and comes over the intercom. "we seem to be heading into a high pressure air system so keep tight but we are going to try to go around it."

Amelia and Andrew immediately get a worried look on their faces. I try to tell them that nothing is going to happen but I'm not sure if I know thats the truth.  Charlie looks at me and for a second it looks like he is worried but that look flashes away in an instant. 

I look out the window and only see water. I want to ask how much longer this ride will be but that would require me to get up and I wasn't allowed to do that.

My laptop has now died and I literally want to rip my hair out. I tried sleeping but when im worried about the turbulence its not that easy.

All of a sudden, the pilot comes back on and frantically tells us that we couldn't get through the storm and we would have to make an emergency exit off the plane.

Literally all hell breaks loose and Amelia starts crying and Andrew looks to my parents for help. Then there is Charlie, calm as can be with his headphones in and is completely oblivious to anything that is happening on the plane.

I grab his headphones out and shout "Charlie! The planes going down on some deserted island and we will have no way of getting off and there's not going to be any water and...." I keep saying any words that come to my head and any doubts that just have of a surprise landing. "Anna! Shut up you're fine!" I can tell he is annoyed because he rolls his eyes at my rant.

And with that I try to calmy do what the flight attendants tell us to do. we had to exit in pairs so nobody would get left alone and amazingly for me I got paired with Charlie. Note the sarcasm.

First Mr and Mrs Mayer jumped off them came Charlie and I. To say that I was scared out of my mind was an understatement.

I was scared shitless and and Charlie wasn't helping the situation by trying to make us do turns and flips. He thought this was funny? I wanted to cry but that would show weakness and I wont show that to him.

We aimed for the beach of an island and tried to follow Charlie's parents but a gust of wind hit us and we went off track. I started freaking out and Charlie did too. We both tried to move through the air but we landed too soon. And now we were in an island in the middle of nowhere and there rest of them were on a different island together.

Hell. Thats where we were. No cell phone service, no parents or siblings just me and Charlie. I started crying. It wasn't worth no emotion I had to let it go. And all Charlie did was watch me like I was crazy. I just want to find my parents.

So I'm not sure if I like this chapter I've written it multiple times and it never really sounds perfect. please tell me what you think and if I should continue? Otherwise vote comment follow and recommend!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2013 ⏰

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