The Smirking Jerk (2)

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Soooo... I feel like a liar now ;P

Now I know I said I wouldn't post but our lovely È convinced me to post this part... well because it was already written... and it's just mean to keep all of this away from you all now isn't it? ;P

Well that's what she implied ;P But she really doesn't care ya know? She already read the last chapter and epilogue! ;P

Next part won't come around soon though... I'm keeping Blake all to myself ;P

And all of this is the first part... the second part, or "real" story begins as another part, and starts at the same place as "I Sold Myself.." now this one... you'll have to wait longer... mouhahahahaha

Oh and the song I put there... well that's just because this song is like... just wow! I think it makes the chapter even sadder ;P

Oh and sorry to everyone, if you're down, might not want to read this... it's still a bad time in Blake's life... but in the second part you'll get more of stupid Blake and more Josh too! ;P

And yes it's a short one, but as always, something is better than nothing! Plus I wasn't even supposed to upload tonight!!

So read, enjoy, vote and comment! :P

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep

At first I thought it was my alarm clock.

But then, as I tried to move to shut it up, I felt pain shot through my chest and left arm.

I groaned in pain.

"Blake!" I heard someone gasp beside me.

For a millisecond I thought it could be Lexi.

"M-" I tried to call my mom but the words wouldn't escape my mouth and that's when I really realized the position I was in.

It wasn't an alarm clock; it was those damns cardio-whatever in hospitals. My arm hurt like hell, and pain shut through me every time I breathed... and I had been in a car accident... like my brother... but unlike him, I was still alive...

And I wish I wasn't...

"What the hell were you thinking Blake!!!" my mom sobbed and then she threw herself on me, hugging me. When she did that I saw my father, leaning against the threshold of the door, looking at me with expressionless eyes.

With my eyes, I tried to tell him I was sorry, and he just nodded and then his eyes looked up the ceiling, fighting the tears too, probably.

And then I realized what I had done... I couldn't tell I had purposely not hit the brake... if mom knew she'd kill me...

"I'm sorry mom... It wasn't my fault... I..." I mumbled.

"How could you!!!" she yelled, tears streaming down her face and I just looked at her blankly.

Oh crap... She knows...

"Mom... look..."

"After what happened!! After your brother!! How could you do this to us!!?"

"For fuck sake!!! I'm sorry alright!!" I yelled at her but winced at the pain in my chest.

"Sorry? They did your alcohol-test Blake!!! They were lucky to find blood in all the freaking booze you drank!!!" my mom shouted at me and then my eyes tear up as I thought again about last night... words echoing in my head...

"I've been trying to not say anything, because I know that you're unhappy, and I don't know what to do anymore Blake, but this... How could you? You can do whatever you want with all these girls if that can make you happy, even though we BOTH know it doesn't, but I will never accept you drinking and driving! EVER!!!" she told me her eyes furious.

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