The Smirking Jerk (3)

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So here it is! The last chapter of the first part of Blake's POV..

Next part will start at the same place as "I Sold Myself.." and you'll have to wait a lot for it..

But next time you'll have his POV he'll be much less whiny ;P

Alright.. I think that's it..

Read, enjoy, vote and comment! :DD

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Two weeks later, after a lot of arguing with the doctors and a convincing talk with Jsh, I left the hospital and I flew right to London with my parents. For the first time I didn't feel that deep inside feeling of finally being home.

I just felt empty.

Empty and completely lost...

We stayed in our studio, just the three of us, for a week. I stayed in bed, my ribs still hurting.

My mother was the one giving me the painkillers.

She didn't trust me with them.

That was a smart move...

We drove up to the family mansion. Evelyn ran up to me, with my three other cousins on her heels.

We stayed up all-night, her talking about school, and the boys she thought were cute, and complaining about that idiot in her Math class that was so annoying and that she simply couldn't stand and that she wanted to slap all the time and that... I smiled at her. She liked him. I told her about... what could I talk about? I wanted to tell her the truth... tell her everything but I couldn't... I just couldn't... So I talked about Josh, new ideas for graffiti that I couldn't help him with anymore because I was here. I told her about that new series I had started to read that wasn't so bad.

I could see her eyes caring and sad for me. I could barely give her a reassuring smile.

It was nice seeing all my family again though. There were a lot of family meals and family games and family walks and family shopping and family whatever...

Everyone looked at me, concerned. I shrugged it off.

Kay came to stay with us after the two first weeks I was staying at the mansion. She did hit my ass pretty hard, but then she hugged me tightly. I was glad. I had been worried she'd be mad at me for the DUI thing... She had been in the car with Jay after all...

The first few nights, she crept into my room and I cried in her arms all night, while she held me, rubbing my back and repeating over and over again that everything would be okay. Unlike Evy, I told her everything, as always...

She didn't talk about it afterwards and I was grateful for that.

I went to a hospital and got my cast sew off and more arguing with the doctors.

I concentrated on exercising my left arm.

My ribs didn't hurt so much anymore.

My heart still did though...

The summer was coming to an end. It didn't look like we were going to go back home... Home?

That stupid house in the US felt like home now?

I missed the days without rain.

I missed the lake behind our house.

I missed being in my stuff.

I missed Josh and his stupid ideas.

I missed Anita's cooking.

I missed my big library.

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