Chapter One: The Meeting

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"HEY! BREE! WE ARE LEAVING SO PICK YOURSELF UP OFF YOUR LAZY BUTT AND GET OUT THE DOOR!" I hear my best friend, Sierra, shout up the stairs.

I groan and get out of bed. I pull on a pair of galaxy leggings and my I AM SHERLOCKED shirt. I pull on my Converse as I hop down the stairs, taking care not to fall.

I jump the last two steps and land on the floor. Sierra grabs my arm and pulls me out the door, closing it behind her.

"Sierra! Sierra! Slow down! Where are going?"

"It's a surprise!" She says.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and get in the car.

We drive for a bit until we reach a huge building. "Sierra," I say worriedly. "Where are we?"

"Chillax, Bree. You're not going to die. Well, maybe you are, I don't know."

Sierra parks the car and we walk into the building. Sierra takes the lead and walks with purpose, as though she owns the place. We reach a door that says "Graham Norton."

"Sierra," I say again. "What the heck is going on?!"

"Jeez, Bree, CHILL."

I walk after Sierra, not knowing what was happening. Sierra walks to the front row, checks the numbers on the seats with a piece if paper and sits down. She motions for me to sit by her.

I lower my voice. "Sierra, what the--"

Graham Norton suddenly appears on stage. He says all the stuff he usually says, then adds, "and today, we have a special guest in the audience! Everyone please welcome Benedict Cumberbatch!"

I grab Sierra's arm. "Oh my God, Sierra. What have you done?!" I lean over and give her a hug.

She smirks. "Told you to chillax. Said it'd be fine."

Graham and Benedict go through all the normal questions, but then Graham says "And we've got a special gift for a lucky girl in the audience! You and a person of your choosing can come up here and meet Benedict!"

The whole room's volume magnified by a cagillion, basically.

Sierra madly waves her hand in the air. She's mouthing "ME ME ME ME ME ME!"

I slump low in my seat, hoping not to be picked.

Graham looks around the room and calls out "YOU! The girl next to the one way down in her seat!"

Sierra looks at me and huffs. "Yes!" She shouts.

"Who would you like to come up with you, young lady?" Graham says.

She grins evilly at me. She points and says, "Bree."

I groan and sit up straighter. I glare at Sierra before standing up with her.

We walk onto the stage. Sierra walks and sits right next to Benedict while I stand there awkwardly.

"Does your friend not like Benedict?" Graham asks Sierra.

Sierra glances at me and smirks maliciously. "Oh, no, she loves him! She loves him and all those other BBC people and oh God, don't even get me started on her obsession with cheekbones!"

"Sierra!" I hiss.

She ignores me and continues. "Every single conversation is 'Oh, Benedict is in the movie, we should watch it!' Or 'Look at how handsome Benedict is in this picture!' And don't even get me started on her Instagram! Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston, Colin Morgan, Bradley James, Matt Smith, David Tennant, God her Instagram is like a shrine!"

"SIERRA!" I hiss again, louder this time.

Graham looks intrigued and asks, "Can you pull up her Instagram for us?"

"Sure!" Sierra cheerfully agrees. "I can show you her camera roll too!"

"Perfect!" Graham says clapping his hands.

Sierra takes out my iPod and pulls up my Instagram and Graham scrolls through picture after picture after picture. I pat my pockets. She stole my iPod, the sneaky little troll. Then they move on to my camera roll. After they scroll through two thousand photos, I give up and just sit down on the floor and put my head in my hands.

Someone walks over to me and says, "It's fine, I don't mind."

I look up and see Benedict Cumberbatch standing in front of me. "That's not the problem. If I ever met a celebrity I wanted to act cool and treat them like a normal human being. Now that can never happen."

He sits next to me and says, "Well, you didn't come and sit next to me, so I still think you're a chill fangirl. Pretty obsessed, but chill about it." He laughs. He reaches into his pocket and gives me two backstage passes. "Give one to your crazy friend," he says, and I laugh.

"She'd beg to differ that she's not the crazy one."

Graham and Sierra are still going through my photos. Now they've reached my Colin Morgan and Bradley James bit of like two hundred pictures. Brilliant.

Benedict stays where he's at, but shouts over to Graham and Sierra, "If you two are quite finished, I think--" he pauses, "what's your name?" he whispers.

"Bree," I whisper back.

"I think Bree over here is quite done and wants to go back to her seat, so if you could give her her iPod back we would most appreciate it."

I elbow him. "Thanks," I whisper.

"Anytime," he whispers back. We stand up and Sierra walks over to us.

He gives me a hug, making me blush as Sierra and I take our seats.

I punch Sierra as we sit in our seats. Benedict sees the punch and laughs.

"What was that for?!" I whisper vehemently.

"What?! You talked to him didn't you?"

"Yes, and what else I did?" I smirk slyly and pull out one of the backstage passes. "I've got a backstage pass!"

She shrieks, then covers her mouth. "WHAT YOU COULDN'T GET TWO?!?!" She whisper shouts.

I reach into my jacket pocket and pull out the second.

She shrieks and hugs me. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, BREE!"

"I know," I smirk. "Benedict said, and I quote, 'give one to your crazy friend.'"

Sierra gets a funny look on her face. "I'm not crazy."


So yeah. Another Fanfiction! Woo! I seriously love Benedict Cumberbatch so I made a Fanfiction! Woo! So if you like it vote or comment or do nothing or if you've for ideas or something message me or comment or something and yeah. Thanks for reading guys!



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