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Guys just a little info: This probably took a bit longer to write because I was flipping out inwardly like OMG BOTFA IS COMING OUT IN 141 DAYS AHHHHHH and I'll be writing out what I want to happen to Bree which is basically what I would do or want to happen to be because AGH HER LIFE RIGHT NOW IS SWEEEEEEEET. XD But yes, I hope you like the chapter, and fangirl as much as I did/am doing just by typing this little paragraph. XD



With that announcement, the guys went CRAZY. And I mean crazy. They took out silly string from inside their jackets and starting spraying it on people, but only people who wouldn't get super mad. So basically themselves, Ed, and I.

And I found out who's like their characters through this fiasco: Aidan and Dean (Kili and Fili) rushed over here and wrestled two silly string canisters and sprayed each other with it. Ken (Balin) just stood a safe distance away, watching them with a wary look on his face. Stephen (Bombur) was at the food table, shielding his food with his body.

And I found out who's not also: Adam (Ori) was drinking water and not belching, and Ian (Gandalf) walked from his place by Peter Jackson and grabbed four canisters from his own jacket and joined the melee.

I didn't spot the other actors. When I tried to duck out of the skirmish, Martin just pulled me back in and held me as a mock hostage. Everyone literally freezes my knowig what he's gonna do, the crazy lad. He turned to Aidan: "Give me your silly string."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll cover her in the stuff and push her into you. Consequently, making you covered in it."

"Mate, look at me! I'm already covered in it!"

Martin switches tactics. He holds up a cell phone. "Or else I'll spray your phone!"

Aidan glares at him. "You wouldn't."

"Try me."

Aidan sighs and hands over his ding dang silly string.

"Ha!! I win!!"

"Martin, can you-- can you let me go now?" I say laughing.

"Oh of course! After this quick MAKEOVER!!!" He says, and sprays one bottle all over my head, then the other on my clothes. When the last bottle sprayed nothing but air, he dropped them and made a show of letting me go. I turned around and noticed he was untouched by the string.

"How do you guys manage to miss him!!?! He's RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!"

Martin just smirked like he was a genius. Oh no you don't.

"AN UNEXPECTED ATTACK!!" I yell as I rush Martin and give him a hug. With my whole body covered head to toe, there's a good chance he'll get covered too.

When I step back, pleased with my handiwork, I announce , "Desolation of Martin's suit."

Dean starts cracking up. He looks at me and says, "Did--" he laughs "you just do what--" gasps for air "congratulations, you're officially awesome!"

I'm surprised when I get a sudden hug. Holy crap one of my favorite characters is hugging me! Deep breaths, Bree, deep breaths.

I see Martin's face when he gets a look at himself in a mirror and I can't stop laughing. Dean turns around and starts laughing too. I see Dean's clothes and oh my gosh nooononono. "I am so sorry! You have a ton of silly string on your clothes!!"

"Psh, no worries, it's fine, do you want to come with me and Aidan and a few of them?" he asks, motioning to Ben and the guys.

"Yeah, of course. I'm not gonna stand here awkwardly, are you mad?!"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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