Chapter 10

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Ruby calmly walked into her room, though on the inside she was a complete bundle of nerves. She'd just had a talk with Blake about how to ask Weiss to the Yule Ball with her, and all she'd gotten was a rather bluntly said, "Just ask her", which while slightly helpful, wasn't what she was hoping for.

It was infinitely better than asking Yang for her advice though.

Ruby shuddered involuntarily at the mere thought of doing such a thing. She'd rather be stuck in one of those dreams where she went to class in her underwear, that would be infinitely less embarrassing. Plus, she could surprise Yang with it when the Yule Ball came around.

If Weiss accepted anyways.

Ruby sighed and her shoulders slightly sagged at that thought, she wanted to think Weiss would accept, but at the same time, the less confident side of her said it wouldn't. Ruby could pull it off, she knew she could.

She just needed a plan.

A cunning plan that would ensure the perfect moment to ask Weiss to the Ball. Hmmm, she would pull this off. She could pull this off!

Ruby quickly changed out of her Beowolf pajamas and into her normal outfit and prepared herself to go down to breakfast. She would think better on a full stomach.

Or at least, breakfast had sounded like a good idea when she'd originally thought it.

However, it seemed the entire school had suddenly became worried for her, someone named "Sirius Black" had escaped from a wizarding prison called "Azkaban", which apparently was a really, really bad thing. Ruby simply laughed it off. A single man without an aura attacking her? Not that she wanted to sound cocky, it was laughable that they thought she should be worried. She was a huntress (in training), he was a quite possibly insane escaped prisoner, she could take him, no problem!

However, that wasn't the only bit of annoying news that came out of her breakfast. She also learned that after the Yule Ball, the Dementors of Azkaban would be arriving to "protect" the school from Sirius Black.

Ruby didn't know much about Dementors, but then again, no one did. She had read a small excerpt about them in one of the books she'd read while studying for the First Task, and Ruby had learned that they were not creatures to be taken lightly. They were like Grimm when it came to attraction, being drawn towards negative emotions, and souls in general which they would devour if given half a chance. They also sucked away your happiness as they closed in, making it nearly impossible to muster the effort to run as they swooped in to suck out your soul. Ruby shuddered slightly at the thought of it. If criminals here were subjected to that every day, how could they not be insane?

As much as Ruby enjoyed fighting, she decided that she most definitely would not want to face one of Azkaban's guards if they did that to their victims.

However, Ruby didn't have time to contemplate the problem of the Dementors, she had more pressing matters to attend to! Like finding out how to ask Weiss to the Yule Ball and ignore the horribly depressing thought of her not saying yes!

Which totally wouldn't happen...

She hoped.

Yang walked into her sister's room where she'd been holed up for the majority of the day, she knew something was bothering her, and she wasn't coming to her with it, which meant she was either pulling a Blake and not telling anyone, including her, which would be incredibly out of character for her sister, or, and this one was far more likely, Ruby was getting help from someone else.

Yang suppressed an urge to shudder in fear at that thought, her sister getting help from someone else!? The thought was laughable, but at the same time, it was possible and it frightened Yang that Ruby didn't want her to know what was wrong. She was her big sister, she was always there for Ruby and would never abandon her! So why would she just shut her out like this?

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