Chapter Nineteen - Unedited

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Chapter Nineteen

I watch as Arthur lets his sword drop to the ground, turning angrily to whoever dared try to tell him to stop. What he didn't realise was that it was it was someone telling me to stop, not to kill Arthur.

Harrison runs over to me and pulls the sword from my hands, throwing it to the floor, "You were going to kill him." He hissed angrily.

"I'm sorry...he was going to kill my father."

Harrison goes to say something when he stops short, "Your father? Tyson?"

"That's the one."

He laughs, "Belle, you've gone mad! I remember the day your father died clearly. I remember it because I had to sit with you for hours and hug you because you couldn't stop crying."

"What is the meaning of all this!" Arthur growls angrily and Harrison turns around to his father,

"None of your concern, father."

Arthur turns red with anger, "It's all my concern! You stay away from her, Harrison, before I force you away."

Harrison narrows his eyes, taking a threatening step towards Arthur, "Make me."

While they are having a stare off, I slowly bend down and pick up my sword, putting it back into its leather hip sheath. Behind them I watch as Teresa demands the guards let her and Tyson to, then she gets them to undo her ropes and embraces Tyson.

"Why'd you tell me to stop? He was having an affair with your mother, he deserved to die, along with his bastard child, Elizabeth." Arthur spits the name.

Harrison scoffs, "I wasn't telling you to stop, I was telling Arabelle to stop." Then his eyes to wide as he realises what he did.

Arthur turns to me, his eyes narrow slits of anger, " were going to kill me?"

"Because you were going to kill that guard," I nod towards Tyson, "and he didn't deserve it."

"Didn't deserve it! Ha! That guard was having an affair with my wife, did you not know?"

I step forward, "I did know. But you don't know just how long it's been going for."

The King goes to say something then stops, turning around to glare at Tyson, who's hand is entwined with Teresa's.

"Tyson Tiona, how didn't I recognise you? It's obvious now; Arabelle is a spitting image of you! Black hair, green eyes and the olive skin." Arthur shakes his head, "I'm a fool to have missed it. I should have known that Teresa would find a way to let you survive."

Teresa narrows her eyes, "Of course. I love him, and I'm not afraid to admit it. You're living your final day today, Arthur. Just surrender now and we will kill you swiftly."

Arthur walks over to them and grabs his sword, which was a few meters away from Tyson. He points the tip of the sword at Tyson, ignoring Teresa's last comment, "One of us dies today."

I can't stand it any longer and I raise my sword into the air, "Lets get this over with...ATTACK!" I shout to the crowd and all my troops run towards the castle and towards Arthur, but his thousands of men also run out. I run to Kaloua and jump on, flying into the sky. Below the clashing of swords echos throughout the town and the screams of those who are dying.

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