Bonus Story: Discovery

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Welcome back my beautiful readers!

I know the title has gotten you very excited, however, I have some news for you.

The bonus story IS NOT on wattpad!

Don't panic, it definitely exists.

Also, I say story because I got excited and it ended up being way too long to be a chapter, so yeah, you get a bonus mini story!

Okay, so my other news is pretty exciting. Technically, I can now say that The Dragon's Heir is published! You can find it available on this cute little book app called Tapas:

It is available for both Apple and Android! Yay! All you need to do is download the app and search for The Dragon's Heir, or find my profile under Isabella Espe.

You can see the cover they made for me in the media section.

Please support me by buying the book on Tapas. The bonus chapters are just a way of conveying my gratitude to all of you for supporting my dream of becoming a writer and inspiring me to continue.


Q. How much does it cost?

A. It costs $0.05 per 'episode', which makes it about $3.50 for the entire book.

Q. What is the bonus story about?

A. I won't tell you much, but just know that it takes place only a few years after The Dragon's Heir ends so it has all of the original characters in it, plus some new ones! I'm not telling you anything else...

Q. Why Tapas?

A. Well, there are a few reasons, but the main one is that they have allowed me to keep the entire story — yes, the entire story — available for free on Wattpad. This means that if you don't wish to purchase the book, you can still read it here!

Q. Are there any differences between the Tapas version and this version?

A. Other than the bonus story, the entire book has also been proofed and edited by the staff at Tapas Media, so it will be nicer to read than the version on here. The plot itself, however, is essentially the same.

Q. Can I get a hard copy?

A. At this point in time, no, it is only available online.

Q. When will you update The Dragon Tournament?

A. Well, you know, life is busy and there are things to do, so um, yeah.
(Seriously, I am really sorry that I haven't been active lately. I am doing my final year of high school so it's a bit busy for me right now and I honestly haven't found time to do much writing.)


On that note, please support me by purchasing the book! It would be greatly appreciated!

Lots of love to you all,

Belle xxx

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