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Chapter 33

Chaos and utter mayhem greeted them as they walked into the station. It continued until they were rushed into the Chief of Police's private office. Their boss's heavy gaze landed on them as soon as they entered the room. "Why don't you a seat?" the older man suggested.

Frank plopped into a chair, but Myles paced back and forth along the worn Berber carpet, his mind racing with disturbing images he couldn't begin to explain.

"What the fuck's going on?" an exasperated Frank questioned. "You wouldn't believe the hell we've been through. And the story you fed me on the phone is seriously messin' with my head."

Detective Robertson ran a hand over his balding head then took a long sip from the steaming mug in front of him. "Well it ain't been a picnic here either, let me tell ya." The man nodded toward Myles. "Did you fill him in?"

Frank leaned back and clasped his hands behind his head. "Yeah, I told him. But he's got mush for brains right now. We both do. Feels like an acid trip gone south. This has got to be the most fucked up day of my entire career, and I've had some pretty fucked up days." He let out an agitated moan. "I don't even know how to start sorting this shit out."

Myles listened to the two men talk but it was like trying to make heads or tails of a language he'd never heard. What Frank had told him in the car kept playing on repeat in his mind. "I want to talk to him," he said finally, cutting into their conversation. "I want to talk to Nick Lockhart myself."

Chief Robertson leaned forward and propped his elbows on the desk. He laced his fingers together and rested his chin on top. "And say what exactly?"

Myles stared at him incredulously. Was he serious? "I want him to tell me what happened. I want to hear the words come from his mouth. You don't think I have questions? None of this makes any sense!"

The two older men exchanged a look that did not go unnoticed. "What?" Myles exploded. "You think I can't handle it? Is that it? I knew exactly what I was getting myself into the day I joined the academy. Fucked up shit happens all the time. I get it. I'm not a child, you know. I'm a cop."

"Hey now," Frank said, raising his palms in defense. "We never said you were a child."

"You didn't have to."

"That's not fair," the chief said. He pursed his lips and studied Myles for a long moment. "I understand you have feelings for this girl."

A prickly heat raced across his cheeks. This wasn't a conversation he'd been expecting to have now. Especially with the Chief of Police. Getting involved with Hudson was his own business, and he'd never let their relationship interfere with his job. He licked his lips and said nothing.

The chief gave a slight nod. "Guess I have my answer." He took another sip of coffee. "I never said you couldn't speak with him, but I think you need to calm down before I take you in there."

Myles' elongated his neck, trying to relax the sore muscles. The tension headache he'd developed on the way to the station was now shooting down his spine. This added annoyance was something he didn't need. "When can I talk to him?"

"As soon as you chill the fuck out, rookie!" Frank scolded. "You're like a loaded gun right now."

He bit down hard on his bottom lip until the taste of metallic filled his mouth. Shit. He did need to chill out. But what the hell did they expect? Frank couldn't tell him that story and think he wouldn't get a response.

"Can you go in there with a level head?" the chief asked.

Could he? Myles wasn't sure. But he knew he needed to try. He nodded, not meeting the older man's gaze.

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