Chapter Three

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I knocked on the door. Three times, and very loudly. I went in even though Charlie hadn't come downstairs yet.

My mind was racing, this was insane. Surely there was some kind of mistake.

"Bella," Charlie started, wrapping his robe around his torso. "What are you doing here? What's wrong?"

"Uhh..." I began. I was speechless. What could I say? "Well, umm... I, ahh..." I mumbled. I couldn't find the words. "Charlie, I need to talk to you about something that ended up in my things from Mum's house."

I could see the confusion on his face. He obviously had no idea what was coming.

"I didn't find them till I arrived home, but I didn't even find them, Reneesme did, but that's beside the point." I trailed off. "These ended up in a box." I handed him the adoption papers.

His face just fell. It broke my heart.

He was silent.

"Charlie, what are these?" He remained quiet. "Charlie!" I exclaimed again.

"I thought I would never have to tell you this, but obviously your mother has different plans. If she gave these to you, then I believe that she has changed her mind."

I looked at him in wonder. What possible explanation could he give?

"You should sit down."

We moved to the living room and sat down. The mood in the room was tense and it was horrible. I wanted to know what was going on, and if we were moving to the living room, there was obviously a story behind this, it wasn't just a mistake.

"Well," he started. "It all began when your mother and I married. We had just gotten back from our holiday in California when you mother fell pregnant. Nine months later, we were at the Forks hospital and you mother, she was not just pregnant with you. She had triplets."

"She had what?" I interrupted.


Triplets. I could not believe it.

"Yeah, well at the time your mother and I were not financially stable. We could only just afford one child, but three? We never would have survived. So we put the other two up for adoption." Charlie paused. "Two beautiful baby girls." He smiled, recalling the memory. "It broke my heart to give them away."

"I have... I have..." I couldn't get the words out. "I have two sisters?"

Charlie just nodded his head.

"Oh my gosh..." I trailed off. I was in disbelief. I have two sisters. Sisters.

He was silent and still.

I had questions racing through my head at a hundred miles an hour, but my mind was blank.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I mumbled.

"Your mother and I agreed not to tell you, we never thought we would have to tell you. You were our daughter, we weren't lying about that."

"But I'm not an only child."


Well, they did lie to me about that.

"What happened to them?" I asked.

"Uh, well... I believe that they were taken down to California to an orphanage. We were told less than a month later that both girls had been adopted. One girl was adopted by a family in Mystic Falls Virginia, her name is Elena Gilbert. The other girl was adopted by a family from England. Her name is Hermione Granger. We have had no further contact with the girls or their families." Charlie sighed. He handed me the adoption papers back. "I am sorry that we didn't tell you."

"Um... I have to go now." I was still in shock. I could not believe it. I raced off before Charlie could say goodbye.


I ran, and I ran, and I ran. I am not sure where I went, but I ran. I was so confused I just needed to clear my head.

I stopped when I reached the sea, trying desperately to process this information.

I looked out across the ocean knowing that some where on the other side of this vast body of water, there was a sister out there, who was mine.

And when I turned around, I knew that there was another sister on the other side of the country, who was mine.

What do I do? Do I go and look for them? Do they know they have a sister? Do they know that they are adopted?

I sat on the shore, and with all my concentration debated with myself. All these different scenarios that could happen, the good, the bad, the ugly.

Anything could happen.

"Bella," I heard a familiar voice say from behind me.

I sat there, burying my head into my hands.

Edward sat down beside me.

"Rosalie told me you were here, though I went to Charlie's house first. He told me," he said softly.

"I don't know what to do," I said in a faint voice.

"I think you know what you need to do," he replied.

I looked up at him in question.

"You need to find your sisters."

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