Chapter One

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Ring... Ring... Ring...

I picked up my phone. "Hello," I said.

"Hi, Bella! It's your Mum!" exclaimed my mother with excitement.

"Hi Mum! How are you? Why are you calling?"

"Well I wanted to let you know that Phil got a permanent spot as a minor league baseball player here in Jacksonville, and we will be moving down there. So I will be selling our house in Phoenix and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come down this weekend and help me sort through some things. There is probably lots of stuff that you want to keep."

"I would love to come down, I really miss you!"

"I miss you too!"

"I will see you then, bye Mum."

"Bye Bella!" said Mum as I hung up the phone. It has been so long since I had last seen her, but being in Phoenix poses a great risk to vampires. I guess that I will have to be very careful.

"Bella, I thought that you weren't going to see your mother again," said Edward.

"I know, but I have to. There is so much stuff in that house, so many memories, and most of my books that I couldn't bring with me to Forks," I said.

"Alright, am I coming?" He asked.

"No, you need to stay here with Renessme, my Mum doesn't know about Renessme, and she looks too much like me and you that she will notice."

"Ok, but remember to be careful, and stay out of the sun, and make sure you hunt before you go," he said sounding worried.

"You worry to much! Do you want to go hunting now?" I asked.

"Yes, you need your strength. There is not much to hunt in Phoenix," he said. I smiled.

I caught 3 elk and 2 mountain lion, and Edward caught 1 mountain lion and 2 deer.

I was excited at the prospect of seeing my Mum. I hadn't seen her since the wedding last year and it is exciting to even think about seeing her. I know that this is the last time that I can see her, because as a vampire, I don't age. I know that this is a risk just to go and see her, a big one, but I will make up some excuse as to my change in appearance and why I cannot go in the sunlight, and even though it is extremely hot there at the moment, I will be covering as much skin as possible.

For a vampire there are always excuses. You just have to find the right one.

I am leaving tomorrow at noon, so that gives Alice enough time to pack my stuff, but knowing her she already knows, and for me to tell Renessme where I am going.


"Good morning Mum," said the bright bubble voice of Renessme. She was still growing up very fast. She is about 9 months old, but looks like an 8 year old. She is as smart as a 10 year old, thanks to Carlisle's lessons, and has the maturity level of an 11 year old.

"Hi Honey," I replied.

"What are we doing today?"

"Well I am going away for a few days, so-" I started.

"What? Why? When? Where?" She interrupted me.

"Calm down. I am going to my old house in Phoenix to go through some old stuff with my Mum, because she is selling that house and permanently moving to Jacksonville. I am going at noon, because there is lots of things of mine that are still in this house, and when I get back you can have a look through all of that stuff. Ok?"

"Ok," she said. Renessme hadn't been away from me for more than two days, so I know it will be a challenge for her.

"Don't worry," I reassured her "Dad isn't going anywhere he will still be here with you."

The door bell rang. "Come in," I called.

"Bella!" Alice said.

"Hi Alice!"

"I spent all night packing for your trip to Phoenix. The weather there this weekend is unusually cooler which is lucky for you!"

"Thank you Alice," I said.

"Hey, don't worry about it!"

"Are you all ready to go?" Edward questioned me as he came out of the room that was the closet.

"Yes, I am," I replied. "Alright, I will go over to the house and say good bye. Can I take the Volvo?" I asked.

"Yes, of course you can."

"Can I come?" Said a hopeful Renessme.

"No, I need you here keeping an eye on Dad. I will call you every night, Ok?"

When we arrived at the house, everyone was there ready to say goodbye. I said goodbye to them then hopped into the Volvo and started in my journey towards Phoenix.


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