~ Chapter 2- TAR~

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  • Dedicated to All of My Readers :D

Okay, first off this is dedicated to all of you lovely readers!!! I NEVER imagined my story would become this popular, so thank you!!! I am so sorry about not uploading quickly but my big brother came home from Afghanistan a few days ago so I took some time off to spend some much needed time with him!! I only get 14 days with him so, yeah.  Also with that being said I'm kinda not in the best of moods at the moment, I am so sick with worry about him and stressed from school (I have been working on 3 big projects as of recent) so I quickly wrote up this chapter today.  Sorry, but it is really, really bad. But I didn't want to keep on getting these UPLOAD, UPLOAD messages.  Sorry if you don't like this chappie, hopefully nothing will happen like this again BUT this is VERY IMPORTANT so please don't blow it off.  The main story line will pick up in the next chapter, I am trying my best to not rush :)

Since this is so sucky, 10 votes please, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS, right now, they are really making me smile so thanx... I think I kinda need that.

Not edited... sorry  Important A/N at the end!!!


                                                                      Chapter 2

I huffed loudly as I gave the wood beams that made up the ceiling of the attic a blank stare.  They were laced with cobwebs, making the beams take on an ashy hue. I fiddled with my thumbs a bit, trying my best to not allow the thoughts of Carter and Catherine invade my mind as I spread out on my mattress.  Before anything else could happen I turned and high tailed it out of his hallway like the scaredy cat I was, even if I was somewhat reluctant about doing so. 

I didn’t want to leave him with Catherine but I was afraid they would find me and beat me for just standing there, taking up space.  Though my imagination was killing me as the possibilities of what they were doing danced in my head.  They got worse every second, and it reached a point where it was painful.  I placed my head in my hands and squeezed as if I could constrict the sight of my sister and my new Alpha out of my head.  In the end it didn’t help at all; instead it worked in dulling away the splitting headache that I had.  Usually I didn’t get headaches so this one felt like hell.  Usually I could deal with pain, but this one was different, not to mention headaches were one type of pain that would always have the ability to crumble me.  Sad, I know, but true.

As the pain dulled even more, I stripped off my hot hoodie, revealing the tank top underneath.  It was getting later in the day which caused my room to get hotter from the lack of windows and a fan to circulate the stagnant air, so just something like having socks on could make it feel like a long trek through the Sahara.  I sat up to look around my room.  It wasn’t very big, actually not big at all. If four, grown, male werewolves were in here they wouldn’t be able to move, only shuffle a few inches.  It was tight and I am lucky I’m not claustrophobic because this would have been my personal hell.  This is the only place that I am the closest to being safe, no one ever wanted to be in here. 

My mattress was over in the far right corner, right up against the wall, a small outdated clock/radio placed on the floor next to it.  Across the room from it is my makeshift bathroom and to the right of that is a small bureau that holds my very few clothes.  Opposite of the bureau was my door.  That was it, my small pathetic excuse of a room.  But a room that held all of my life. 

I remembered my old room that I had.  It was huge, complete with two window seats.  My current room doesn’t even have windows; the small cracks in the roof didn’t count.  The walls were a pretty ocean blue like in the islands or in Hawaii, and I had a large queen sized bed and many stuffed animals, complete with my own bathroom suite and pictures of my family and friends that I burned when they all abandoned me.  I was in heaven and I didn’t even know it.  I fisted my hands as I tried to not let the tears to fall, the familiar burning feel of them taking over my eyes.  My tears weren’t worth them, but it didn’t stop a traitor tear from falling.  I swiped it away quickly with the back of my hand.  I didn’t want to cry over them.  They would regret everything one day.

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