Chapter 1: PAWS

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"When you're on the line and everything you say counts, what do you try to do? Do you bargain with the person? Bribe perhaps? Or maybe you'll try to talk them down. When it comes to the P. A.W. S Tactical Teams, you don't try any of these tactics. So what is it that they do that makes them so great, so trustworthy? It's their ability to relate. They relate with the man who lost a friend, they relate with the divorced woman who doesn't want to part with her children, they relate to the people who are angry because someone has wronged them. All these and more. It's to the people, who live in this very circle of love, hate, anger, and so on but have taken it to the radical levels, they relate. Why do they relate? Because they've been there. They knew what it was like. They know why it was like that. So why did that make them so great? Because everyone tends to believe that there all alone. And loneliness is among men's and women's worst enemy, if not self-doubt. Loneliness is the root of our hatred, of our violence. Loneliness, is why we need to make that big scene with a gun, knife, with gas, or even with a bomb. Because we want people to get it. To know... And that is what is so great about the P.A.W.S. Because they know...they understand..."

The woman gave a curt not as if to thank the reporters who were listening to her speech. Cameras flashed brighter than muzzle flashes, questions were asked louder than orders; her title was used to reference her more than her name. The security tried to keep the reporters back and help the lady get back stage. There, waiting for her, was a man dressed in a suit.

"How'd I do, Ryder?" She asked.

Ryder chuckled, "It could have used more, but you got the basic drama of it."

"Says the man who wrote it," Was the reply.

"It was late at night; I didn't have much time," He defended.

She laughed and went down to a whisper, "Probably would have had more time if you didn't take me to dinner."

Ryder smiled, "It was worth it."

She giggled and left with the security to get to her limo. He followed her, just in case.

"You will remember to again, won't you?" She asked.

"Well tonight's not going to work. Tomorrow at twenty-one hundred thirty, right?" He said with a mischievous grin.

She glared at him knowing full well he said that to spite her, "Ryder."

Ryder put up his hands, "Okay, nine thirty pm. It's the same thing, anyway."

She looked at him tipping her aviator shades and replied, "That's not my jurisdiction. I wasn't in the marines."

She took a seat in the limo and got comfortable. A guard almost closed it when Ryder obliged for him.

"I know. Hey, Katie."

She looked up at him with smile. He smiled back for a moment to view her.

Finally, he whispered, "Happy birthday," and slipped something into her lap without anyone accept her knowing, "And I was navy."

She smiled brightly and the door was closed. Ryder pat the limo twice and it went on its way. Ryder watched the car drive off before he shook his head and left for his apartment. Tomorrow was an early rise and possible job. He probably shouldn't have stayed up this late. The camera flashes were beginning to give him a headache. He could barely see.

It was then when something hit him, a realization: "So that's why she wears sunglasses at night."


Ryder entered the P.A.W.S HQ to his team having a conversation. The whole team but one was doing some workouts.

"So, when it comes to the M-4 versus the M-16 what to you guys think is better?" Asked one.

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