Chapter 2: Coincidental Relations

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It was early morning, about 06:00 hours, that Chase was making breakfast for himself. He heard a knock on his door. He put down what he was doing and answered it.

"Morning," Smiled Skye.

Chase smiled back and replied, "Good Morning, Skye. Please, come in."

He stepped aside and let her through, taking her to his dining table. His apartment was small, just three rooms: a kitchen with a dining table and four chairs, living room with a sofa and TV, and a bedroom, which had the only bathroom. It was a pretty nice place, rent was cheap, and there were no real problems. Ants were unavoidable, though. The TV was a flat screen that was only fourteen inches. Connected was just a PS4 and a VCR, which he received from Radar.

"So, what are we having this morning?" Skye asked.

Chase shrugged returning to his task, "The usual, I think. Unless you speak up now."

Skye shook her head, "Usual's good. Then I can have more of that smoothie you make."

Chase chuckled and looked at his watch, "Oh, I'd better change. Wouldn't want to get a late start today."

He dropped his utensils and walked to his room. He didn't notice Skye following. As soon as he grabbed the edges of his shirt he had noticed her.

"Do you mind?" He asked waiting for her to leave.

"No, not at all," She grinned, "Go on."

Chase sighed and turned around. They've been together long enough; he didn't mind too much, but it was awkward, in a sense. After he had removed the shirt he went to put on his P.A.W.S T when she stopped him, turned him around, and removed distance between their lips. The kiss was gentle, not meant to take too much time. But the longer it lasted the more they wanted. Skye slowly led Chase to his bed without removing herself from him. His back met the mattress as he finally lost room. The kiss began to intensify a bit. Skye moaned and played with Chase's hair. Then...

*knock knock knock*

"Oh! Crap!" Skye rolled off the bed and under it.

Chase quickly but his shirt on and slipped on some cargos then went or the door. When he opened it he was finishing by tying his belt.

"Chase, good morning," Marshall smiled.

"Marshall, come on in," Chase chuckled, "It's okay, Skye, it's just Marshall."

Marshall lifted an eyebrow and looked into her room. Her little head poked over the bed and revealed she was hiding.

She sighed and chuckled, "Marshall, good to see you."

"Was I... never mind. Good to see you too. Keeping a low profile, I see."

"Yeah, you can't be too careful," Chase scratched his head and returning to his cooking.

Skye took a seat and relaxed, "So, what brings you here, Marshall?"

"My oath-brother," Marshall returned, "Always have breakfast in the morning together, so. Of course, now that I know you guys hang out more, I might just give you some space."

"Oh, I wouldn't want to destroy any traditions," Skye detested.

Marshall sputtered and assured her, "Nonsense! Gives me time to look for a date on my lonesome. After all, just because he's my oath-brother doesn't mean he knows my taste."

"It was one honest mistake, how was I supposed to know the she was a he? I mean, I respect his life choice, but I respect yours too," Chase defended.

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