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November 8: Evening

Whisky has always been my favourite liquor. Perhaps it's the spicy flavour mixed with the sweet grainy taste or maybe it's the way it lays perfectly on your tongue, making you feel like an important business man. Drinking whisky is almost like getting into a romantic relationship, except you don't have to worry about the confusion and complications. It does what you make it do, no questions, secrets or lies. You feel like the man in the relationship.

I stared at the bartender, her hands tangled up in a washcloth as she moved glasses to clean the disk in front of her. It was already perfectly cleaned but I assumed she had a problem with the slightest spot on her workplace. In that case, she was the same as me. I raised my hand, putting a finger in the air and waited for her to notice.

Once she did, she teased a smile and I didn't have to ask before she was preparing me another glass. "Rough night?"

"I suppose you could call it that," I watched her pour the amber looking liquor into a tiny glass. I was already longing for the drink to fill me up and the sound of the poison hitting the glass made me strangely warm inside. She slowly pushed the glass towards me, bit her lip and whispered for me to enjoy.

Two seconds later, she had gone past me to help someone else. I watched her every move, from her thighs up to her breast, every inch of her waist moving to new directions. It might have been the alcohol talking but she was extremely young yet good looking. Suddenly, she laughed. A guy at the table was smirking her way proudly, seeing her work her ass off for him but still left no tip.

What a shame.

Each time he flirted with her, I got a new urge of punching him. He knew his way to women, I could tell. The way the appealing bartender was swept off her feet by his charming ways. It disgusted me at the same time that it made me jealous. I wanted to be him, I wanted to have that charm that he had. I wanted to seduce that woman too.

I could reflect myself on him, on some parts. I was once using women the way he was, seducing them easily and then got rid of them when I felt done. As sad as it sounds, I think all men have been there at least once. Women are easy to use, they fall too easily. They never use enough sources or even think before they let their brains get washed by a man's empty promises. It's like they know what's going to happen, yet they let themselves be manipulated.

Another awful shame.

Before I could stop myself I whistled, seeing the delicate bartender turn her head whilst fluttering her eyelashes towards me. She was not far away, I would say twenty feet maximum. I didn't have to treat her like an animal but she seemed to not care and that made my job a whole lot easier. I could only assume that she was used to having all these men around her, gawking at the sight of her.

She had dark brown hair, almost black, and her green eyes were making a huge imprint on all guys around this table. Wanting more of her. She was cute, seemed young yet elegant. After all, she was working at a bar late at night. I assumed she was taking the late shift considering no one else was seen nearby.

The bar wasn't full, not close to it. I could count all the people in here with my fingers. It can't be a lot of work for her around here. Perhaps that's why she chose the late shift. I suppose there were more people here at ten pm instead of four am in the morning, especially on a Wednesday.

I had gone to this bar for a few months and each time I was hoping she would be working. I was hardly ever that lucky. I was probably not the only man thinking that either. It was more than possible that I was not the only one coming here only in hopes to see her beautiful self, serve more beauty but in a glass, she was this bar's face outside. Her presence and the alcohol combined surely made a man's night better. This bar was known for its hot bartender. Still, this place was rarely full.

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