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This is insane. This is unbelievable. This is unbelievably insane. I glance at Ella and she catches me staring. She looks just as terrified as the rest of us. Everyone's still in a bit of a shock, but being in shock isn't going to save us right now. I take this opportunity to do a quick headcount, the inner captain of the Baseball team coming out of me. We have me, Brayson, Jace, Carmen, Ella, and a couple more students, including Ms Mills. Most wagged due to the upcoming summer holidays. Why didn't I? My phone's ringtone suddenly breaks the silence. Heads turn my way. Crap...

"Your phone's supposed to be-" Ms Mills starts.

But when I see the contact name, I pick it up without a second thought.

"Hello, Dean? Dean, hello? Why won't this stupid thing work?!"

"Amber..!" It's my sister. "Yeah, I'm here! Where you?"

"Dean...thank god."

"What's wrong? Are you safe???"

"I-I was in the toilet when the drill went off..." she goes on to explain. "I tried to get to the nearest classroom but..but.."

"'But' what?! What the hell, Amber! Where are you now? Just get to a goddamn classroom."

"I'm in the library. No one's here but there are these...things outside, Dean. They...they look deadly. Almost like-"

"Fuck..." I squeeze the nape of my neck, stressed out.

"What's going on?" Brayson asks me.

"For real?" Amber catches on quickly. "They can't seriously be z-"

"Zombies, yup," I finish off for her.

Students around the class gasp in fear. 

"I can't believe this," Amber says, astonished.

I put my cap on, having a hard time believing any of it myself. "Amber, listen, as much as I would love to sit down and chit-chat about this, we don't have the time for it. Don't move from where you are. I'll come get you."

Then Mum's caller ID pops up.

"I gotta go. Don't move from there." I hang up and answer Mum's call. "Mum, I really can't talk-"

"They're evacuating the whole suburb, Dean," she informs me, sobbing. "They won't let me get you guys. There are cops, feds, the military for Christ's sake! They're evacuating everyone! So you have to listen to us-"

"Wait, Mum, Mum, Mum, slow down," I tell her but she gets cut off by my dad.

"Son, listen up! I've made some phone calls but we don't know what the hell's going on. We're looking into it but right now you need to-"

A small explosion goes off from their end.

"Jesus Christ! It's bloody hectic out here! Dean, I'll find a way to get to you and Amber! Look after your sister for us till I get there, alright, Son?!"

"Dad... I... I don't kn... H-how am I supposed to.."

The sounds of men barking out orders in the background, babies crying, and mini explosions all morph into one another. There's just too much going on all at once to focus on one thing, much less a voice.

"Stay safe!" Mum's back on the phone. "We love you. Tell Amber we lo-" 

The line cuts off.

"Mum! Dad!" I try ringing them again. "C'mon, pick up, pick up!" No answer. "FUCK!"

"Dean..." Brayson lays a hand on my shoulder.

"Goddammit!" I stand up and hurl my cap to the ground, running my hands through my hair when I notice it's unusually quiet. I look around to realise that the entire class is staring at me.

"Bro, mind telling us what the heck just happened?" Brayson questions.

"Mate, we haveta get outta here as soon as possible."

FULL LOCKDOWN (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now