2% - only half a blue sky

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[occured while she was staring out of the window and the sun wasn't half as bright anymore]

she could survive without him, okay? she so totally could.

it wasn't like he was the smoke he blew from his cigarette,

and she could function without him.


at least that's what she told herself because it was easier that way.

it's just when things got


or when life became

workandschoolandwork (and where's sleep?)

she just wished she could crawl between the dips in his sheets, pull it over her head like she used to when they were


the blankets that smelled like comic books and lemon-scented detergent.

but now she's just missing half her sky (half her sun because he is the sun) and the blue doesn't look as blue anymore

and it's only kind of there

but not quite.

(and that's the part she misses, really.)


so what is this classified as????

anyway yeah there's that.

four fingers, one thumb ➳ z.m. short storyWhere stories live. Discover now