Chapter Thirty-Seven:

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"Are you sure I look alright? Ammi, everyone is staring at me" I hissed, smiling through clenched teeth at the people I was passing. "Allie! Calm down, their just looking at you because you're human and your scent is unfamiliar. And you look hot...duh!" She giggled, looping her arm through mine and leading me through the pack house, showing me off to every one else in the house.

People stopped their conversations and stared, lowering their drinks from their lips and whispering to people around them. I don't know why, I wasn't that pretty and the dress wasn't that short. It wasn't modest, but it wasn't 'stare her down for being indecent' short. The Pack was looking at me like I had spinach in my teeth.

Ammi explained that the 'Pack' was the Werewolf community and the 'Pack House', was where all the wolves stayed who didn't have a house to stay in. It was kind of like a upper class college dorms, but with lots of chandeliers and expensive looking paintings.

The artist in me wanted to stop and admire them, to think of what the artist was thinking when he or she was painting it and what it made me feel. But, the Allie in me wanted to get outside, away from the staring eyes that had me wishing I was in a turtle neck and mom jeans.

Anything other than the secy white dress I was wearing.

We reached the back door, and Ammi opened it, looking back at me with a smile that had more than a hint of a playful smirk. I had hoped the door would lead us to a less crowded area, but I was wrong.

The back yard was packed with people. Little kids zigged and zagged in between the adults and elders, screaming about pirate ships and princesses. Picking through the crowd of well groomed and good looking people, I found the person I was looking for.

Sam was wearing a red v-neck sweater with a white button up underneath it, and blue jeans. It amazed me how one person could look so hot in jeans. He was talking with Carter, T.J, and a few other people I didn't know but his eyes where on me.

Trailing my eyes up his body, I saw he was doing the same with a hungry expression. Looking at his smirk, I had a strange feeling he was keeping a secret from me.

"Oh my gosh, He's staring at me" I squeaked to Ammi, feeling slightly like Bambi in the very tall heels she put me in saying 'You won't look short next to Sam if there are pictures taken'. "Who? Every guy here is checking you out, girl." Ammi laughed, waving at someone.

"Sam, you bozo" I hissed, blushing. "Well, duh! Now stop being so wimpy and let's go talk to him." Ammi giggled, running her hand through her already perfect hair.

Pulling her closer to me as sort of a shield, we started walking to Sam and his small group of boys. Ammi seemed excited to approach them, pulling me faster.

Looking at the ground trying to hide my blushing cheeks, we approached the group. "Well, look what the cat dragged in" Carter said, and I looked up to see his smiling face.

"Hey Carter" I smiled, walking into his open arms into a hug., grateful that I knew someone other than Ammi and Sam. His hug was soft and friendly, unlike Sam's hugs that where warm and slightly sexual.

I felt strong on my hips and then I was lifted away from Carter and placed against a chest that was so strong and electricity filled that it could only belong to Sam. In a matter of seconds he wrapped his arms protectively around my waist, holding me against him.

"If you will excuse us" He told the group, and all of them, including Ammi, wandered off to talk to other people. Turning back to face me, she gave me a double thumbs up before disappearing into the crowd to go to God knows where.

"Isn't that dress a bit short?" Sam said, turning me around so I was facing him and running his eyes up my body like the view was different up-close. It felt like his eyes where undressing me, making a dirty thought pop into my brain of him actually undressing me.

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