Chapter Forty-Five: Unedited

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A/N: I'm changing Samueals name to 'David' because Samueal is to close to Sam. Sorry for any inconvenience.

"Sam, baby!" I yelled, crossing my arms across my chest and slowly making my way to the front door that was scratched and dented. It looked like it would give way any second, making it easier to hear Sam on the other side of the door. He sounded very angry. "You have no right to be here. Or you. None of you." Sam growled as I stepped over a broken lamp, a few shards poking into the skin of my foot. "Sam, who's out there?" I asked, opening the door to see Sam standing in front of Gray and Jess.

In the back seat of Gray's car I saw Carter with his head in his hands, blowing air out of his cheeks quickly and running his hands nervously on the front seat. "Princess, go back inside. I'll be right in" Sam said with his back to me, stepping closer to Jess threateningly. I didn't move from my spot, not caring that the three saw me in Sam's shirt and boxers. Gray needed to see Sam'd chosen, and that she needed to drop this grudge she had against him.

"She needs to come with us, this isn't about you Sam. Stop being a d*ck and let her come." Jess growled, stepping forward and clicking her tongue trying to intimidate Sam. Jess was even intimidating me with her glare but Sam just stepped closer, pushing his chest out and unclenching and clenching his beautiful jaw.

Moving forward to keep her a safe distance away from Sam, I pushed them apart. I didn't her to hurt him, or him hurt her, and they where getting a little to close for my liking. He was shirtless after all."Why do I need to come with you?" I asked, pressing my back to Sam's strong chest so he knew I was there. His arms caged around my waist holding me tightly against him as he nuzzled his nose in my wet hair trying to calm himself down.

"There's been a accident." Gray said slightly bored, picking at her nails. Jess hung her head sadly, and bit her lip "It's really bad, Allie. I'm sorry" Jess said quietly, and I knew she was sincere with her apology.

"Accident? Involving who?" I asked, nerves hitting my system. Our of instinct I tried to pull away from Sam toward Gray and Jess but he yanked me back to him and whispered "Don't run from me, not today" into my ear seductively even in the tense situation

"Your grandmother, Ruby, the one you're living with. David and Ian-" Gray tried but Jess interrupted her "-We think David and Ian decided they where done waiting for you, Allie. Ruby's in very very bad shape" Jess said, and I saw Carter shifting in the car like he heard what Jess was saying. He probably could, Werewolf hearing and all.

"I have to go." I said to Jess, and Sam turned me around "Peaches, no. I can't let you go, not right now. It's a safety threat for you to be around there this close to the attack, and Ruby did try to keep us apart" Sam growled, and I gave him a angry look.

"She's also the reason i'm in this town, the reason we met. I'm going to see her, you can stay and let me drive to wherever she is in the back seat with Carter or you can man up, stop being a d*ck, and come with us" I said firmly, reaching out and wrapping my hand around his thick, tan, wrist to let him know his choice had already been made for him.

"I'm going for you because If something happens to Ruby, that witch of a Social Worker is going to take you away from me..again" Sam said, pulling me to him and moving his hands to my cheeks, rubbing his thumbs against them gently. "Well if you don't mind we need to leave. She might die soon" Gray said, and Sam shot her a angry look "Let me go get her dressed" Sam growled, lifting me up and reaching the house in a few strides.


"" I mumbled, moving around in the giant sweat shirt Sam insisted I wear. "It's modest." Sam said without opening his eyes, leaning his head against my shoulder as he 'slept'. I think he was doing it so he woulden't have to talk to Gray, or Jess.

"It's a giant..freaking hunting sweat shirt. And you're freaking boots. I had clothes, and shoes" I groaned, and Carter laughed, leaning over to whisper something in my ear; "Personally, you're so much hotter in that jacket than shorts. Because I know you aren't wearing pan-" Carter whispered, but Sam punched him over my shoulder.

"Will you guys shut the Hell up, I'm trying to drive" Gray spat, and Sam grit his teeth. "Hey, drop it you two. And Gray, focus on driving please" Carter said lightly, rubbing his temples with his finger tips. I moved closer to Sam to try and calm him, but he only seemed to get angrier for no reason.

Blowing out, I drummed my fingers against my legs and tried to calm Sam down my breathing. He told me last night while we layed together that my breath calmed him and that just breathing and holding his hand so he felt my pulse calmed him down, yet also excited him.

Intertwining our fingers, I leaned back and took slow breaths "Well she needs to stop whining. We came and got her to go see her grandma, so tell her to shut up" Gray spat, speeding up. Jess took notice and looked around as we weaved in and out of cars. Sam started spitting curses at Gray as she did the same but louder. Carter gave me a worried look and tightened his seat belt "Put your seat belt" Carter said, doing it for me.

We sped up and I saw the worry on Jess and Carter's face. Sam and Gray where really at it, now yelling at each other about something. Jess was whimpering and Carter was wrapping his arms around me. Sam would take brief pauses from his yelling telling Carter to let me go, but Gray just sped up and Carter held me tighter.

"Why do you love her so much? She's not funny, or that pretty!" Gray yelled with tears pooling in her eyes, looking back at Sam. "She's everything you're not! Nice, funny, gorgeous, sincere, caring and in other words.. amazing!" Sam yelled, and a tear slipped down Gray's cheek. "She's also as good as dead" Gray whispered, and Jess screamed before any of us could realize what was happening.

Ruby wasn't really hurt, Gray and Jess just made that up so they could get Sam and I away from our romantic trip. They didn't even know about the engagement, and I was scared to bring it up.

"What?" Sam asked curiously, looking over as Carter held he tightly in his arms. I looked back up at Gray, who jerked the wheel to the side flipping the car.

I hate this chapter. It was so hard to write, and I had to come back and revise so many times. Here in Oklahoma we got a SNOW day so I spent all day writing and typing and probably giving my fingers a GREAT workout.

Question(s) of the chapter:

Why do you think Gray and Jess did it? Do you think Jess knew it was a lie? Do you think Gray planned on flipping the car?

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