30: You Will Be Mine

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The brunch was very awkward. Ever since Anthony walked in and we ordered, none of us spoke a word. While I was eating, I kept my focus on my food, and I believe that Adam did the same too. But Anthony on the other hand, I felt him staring at Adam and I. I guess he's trying to figure something out. But I guess he never did or he found out but didn't say a word about it.

When everyone was done eating, Anthony called for the check, and I began fishing for my wallet. But Adam glared at me.

"I told you, whenever we're out, I pay." He says.

I nod my head and decide to put my wallet back in my purse. 

"I'll pay." Anthony pipes up. Adam looks at him and shakes his head.

"No I got it." He argues.

Anthony frowns, "I think I can handle the bill."

Adam shakes his head. "I can take care of it." He says, as he whips his black credit card out on the table.

Anthony sees this and pulls his black card on the table too. It's almost as if they're bragging that they're richer than the other. And here I am gawking at the black cards while I'm here with my standard visa.

"No, I'll handle it." Anthony argues back.

"Anthony, please. It was my idea for the brunch in the first place." Adam says.

"Yes and I was the one who agreed." Anthony replies back. They have a stare off as our waiter places the bill on the table.

They kept staring at each other, waiting to see who will back out. But the longer they sit there, the more annoyed I get.

"Oh for God's sake, just split the damn bill." I say, breaking their silence.

They both look at me in shock, and then look back at each other.

"We'll split it." Anthony says.

"Fine." Adam mutters. They pay their part of the bill and then call for a waiter to collect the bill.

Once everything was over and situated with, we all got up and walked downstairs where everyone else is dining. When we all went outside, Adam and Anthony shook hands once again.

"I look forward to working with you." Anthony says.

"You too." Adam replies.

Anthony looks over at me and shakes my hand as well. "It was nice meeting you." He smiles.

I smile back, "Same." I say.

Anthony smiles once more and then walks over to his silver McLaren.

I expected Adam to make a call to Frank, letting him know that we're ready to leave. But he didn't. Instead, he just stood there, watching me.

"So do you want to go on a date later or hang out?" He asks me, with hope in his eyes.

"Whoa whoa, you never asked me how I felt about this." I protest.

Adam gives me a look of disbelief and then bursts out in laughter, making me confused.

"What?" I ask, knitting my eyebrows together, "what's so funny?"

Adam takes a moment to compose himself before speaking. "Elizabeth, I don't care on how you feel about this," he starts.

I glare at him and cross my arms. "Oh really! Then what was all that up there during the brunch?" I ask, angry.

Humor still visible in his eyes, Adam releases a small chuckle. "Elizabeth, I don't care on how you feel about this because I will make you mine." He elaborates.

Mr. SmithOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora