39: She's My Wife

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I'm not sure how long I was asleep, but I'm sure it wasn't long because when I woke up, we were still in the air.  But I do feel quite rested, at least more than I was before we took off. 

I looked across the aisle and notice Vianna is knocked out with her pink silk sleeping mask over her face.  I mentally sigh, just everything about her seems dramatic.  Adam is still awake and is still on his laptop.  I wonder what he's doing?  Eh, I don't care.  I'm still pretty irritated with him. 

But that's not what's on my mind at the moment.  Right now, I'm on a mission to relieve myself because I have to piss real bad.  I get up and walk to the nearest bathroom and quickly peed and wash my hands.  I have a small phobia of using the bathroom on planes.  I have a fear that while I'm using it, there's going to be unexpected turbulence or the plane is going to crash and I'm still stuck in the bathroom.  So typically I only use the bathroom on a plane if it's a true emergency, and in this case, it is. 

I leave the bathroom and walk back to my seat, feeling refreshed.  But when I came back to my seat, Adam was sitting in the seat next to mine.  What the hell does he want? 

"Excuse me."  I mutter, expecting him to move so I can get to my seat.  But he just looks up at me, wearing an irritated look on his face. 

I sigh, is he seriously going to start acting petty right now?  I thought as I began to squeeze by him, my ass brushing up against his knees, back to my seat. 

I sit back down, buckling myself in, and pull my blanket up over my legs. 

"What do you want, Adam?"  I ask, beginning to select a movie to watch on my monitor in front of me. 

"If I were you, I would lose the attitude."  He mutters, glancing at me. 

"Why don't you go back over there and sit with your girlfriend."  I say with a clipped tone. 

Adam sighs, "You have one more chance to lose the attitude." 

I roll my eyes and scoff.  "I'm not afraid of you." 

Adam puts his alarmingly cold hand underneath the blanket on my thigh.  He slowly trails his hand until it reaches my waist, sending shivers down my spine. 

"You should reconsider that."  He whispers in my ear, his warm breath tickling it. 

But that just annoyed me.  I didn't know it was possible for someone to annoy you in one sitting. 

"Well you should've reconsidered your little stunt where you didn't tell me Vianna was coming with us."  I snap. 

"One..." he muttered under his breath. 

I don't know why he's counting, but I don't care.  I'm on a roll.  "You know, like you could've spared me from this unpleasant surprise.  I don't even-"


"I don't even know what you were thinking when you thought to not tell me.  You know she hates me.  You know I hate her.  But yet you-"

"Three."  He finishes, abruptly grabbing my arm and forcing me up with him. 

"What?  What the hell are you doing?  Let me go!"  I hiss, trying not to drag the attention of nearby passengers. 

But I think it's too late for that since Adam is pulling me to the nearest bathroom like I'm a little child.  Why does he have to keep embarrassing me like this? 

Before Adam could open the bathroom door, a flight attendant came up to us with a confused face. 

"Excuse me, but you two can't be in the bathroom at the same time."  She says, wearing a disapproving look. 

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