Chapter 11 - Why Still Hoping?

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Elena Colton

"Hey" Aiden entered my car

"Hey" I said , he put his bag on the back seat and put his seatbelt on

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive?"

"Nah.. Do you want starbucks?" I turned to him

"Let's go buy it" He said and I nodded

"I can believe I have a friend who loves photography too" He's trying to start a conversation

"I never thought you like it since you never show it" I said and yes I didn't know about it because he never bring a camera before or do things that related with camera or photography

"I love to see photo exhibition"

"You never try it?"

"I don't like trying alone to be exact , I want to learn but never find a friend or people who want to teach me"

"I'll teach you"

"Take me with you everytime you want to go photo hunting" Entering Starbucks and park there

"Sometimes I like to be alone Aiden"

"Why? Where's the fun if you do it alone?" He asked

"I just like it" I shrugged , got out from my car and walked into the starbucks. Looking at the menu and decided to go for hot caramel machiato again.

"Caramel Machiato" My eyes widen as me and Aiden said it at the same time. I turned to him and he's already smirking

"Venti" We both said it at the same time again

"Okay" The staff said and Aiden took out the money and pay it

"Last time you payed but now it's my turn" He smiled , we both gave our names and waited to the pick up section

"I think I want to ask Cynthia to be official" Cynthia again?

"Go for it" I said not daring to look at him because I know it will be so obvious if I turn my head to him right now with my expression

"Will you hel-"

"No" I cut him before he even say the full sentence

"Why?" He asked

"Here's your coffees" The staff gave the cups to us and I took the straw and put it throught the small whole. Walking out from starbucks to my car

"Why? Why? Why?" He asked

"Oh come on.. Ask someone else , you can ask Kayla or Andrew who have more experience than me" I said and he shook his head

"They will tease me to dead"

"What's wrong with that?"

"I hate it"

"They will tease you after you and Cynthia date anyway , what's the big deal?"

"Oh come on help me" Getting inside my car.. I'm currently holding my emotion to cry and mad. He literally say that in front of me and how could you stand that?

The guy that you like.. like another woman and asking for your help with it

"I can't Aiden , stop asking me for help"

"I can help you with Collin" He smiled brightly and I turned to him glaring

"Will you stop pairing me with Collin? Do you really want me to be with him?" I bursted angrily and my eyes widen after realising my sentences. He looked at me shock too

"Stop asking for help and stop pairing me with Collin Aiden.. stop" I said in a small tone and turned my head to the window

"I'm sorry.. I just like to tease you"

"You also did that yesterday" I added

"Sorry.. I'm just teasing you" I've hurt my own feelings again and again and again. I don't know why.. I want to give up on him. There's no use to like him anore because he's already has his eyes on Cynthia.

"Why do you really want me to be with Collin? That bad?" I asked

"I'm just teasing Elena , I didn't mean that"

"Let's just go" I really need to let out my emotion by taking photos

Putting my starbucks cup on the holder and started the car. Put my hands on the gear when suddenly Aiden take my hand.. I turned to him with my eyes widen. Tingles is starting to make my body shiver

"Help me" He begged and I sighed

"Sorry Aiden , I can't"

"What should I do?"

"Go to a fancy dinner and ask her out"

"How about you? From your prespective?" He asked and I pulled my hand from his grip

"You can't compare me to Cynthia , we both are different. Don't ask me"

"I don't care.. just answer my question" He said smiling

"I'm a simple girl Aiden , it doesn't matter when and how. For me , the most important thing is our feelings for each other. There are things that can't be buy with money.. I rather be happy because of simple things than a fancy or expensive things" I said answering him and he nodded

"You sure are different from Cynthia. She's a highclass girl when you're lowkey. She hates nature things when you love it. She hates when I take her to a simple place like bowling alley.. when you like that. She hates when she got dirty.. especially in the rain when you don't care and even safe me from falling" Stop comparing me to her Aiden! I hate it..

"But you like her" I said and it tops it all


"Let's just go.. the answer is still no Aiden , I won't help you" I said and it shut him

I can't help him this time , helping him buying her present already makes me so sad. Helping him to ask her put can make me so mad.. I can kill him in place

Being his secret admire from almost 8 months starting to make me sick even though I'm so sincere. Maybe I should stop.. I think I should stop. He's going to be official with Cynthia and he will never look at me.

Why still hoping?

Maybe I should learn to like someone who likes me.. like Collin

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