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Aiden Locason

"Nervous?" My dad asked as he entered my waiting room

"Of course I am dad , didn't you?" I asked and he chuckled

"I cried when your mom entered"

"That's emotional" I said and I don't know whether I will cry when Elena entered the chapel or not

"Can't believe I made it here" My dad suddenly said and I looked at him completely not understand what he said

"Made it here what?"

"This.. seeing my son getting married. I thought I will be single until I die" He said and he looked at me seriously

"Oh dad , don't give me that emotional look"

"I'm just proud of you.. you even find the right girl" He said and I smiled

"Thanks dad"

"Give me a grandchild quickly , will you?" He said and I laughed

"Will remember that" I said and at the same time my mom entered. She's already crying.. My dad immediately hug her

"My son is going to get married today" Mom and her soft personality

"Oh don't cry love , he's not going anywhere" My dad said patting my mom's back. He released the hug and gave her a kiss on her cheek

I walked to my mom and hugged her. I can't thank my parents enough for raising me and giving me so much love. They're so precious to me until I don't know how to repay them besides making them proud

"Take a really good care of Elena okay?" My mom caressed my cheek and I nodded

"You're so handsome today.. I can't believe you're getting married today" She hold my hands and I smiled

"Mom I'm not going anywhere.. you said that like I'm going somewhere"

"He's moving one block away Janet.." My dad said and yes he's right

"I still remember when he's running around the house naked when he's 4 , he's so cute and now you just.."

"Mom.. stop being dramatic"

"My kids are married.. I'm not being dramatic that I lost my 2 kids starting from today" She pouted and chuckled hugging her again

"No wonder Cailey got this dramatic emotional mood from" I said and my dad nodded

"I heard my name being called" I saw Cailey entered the door with Zac. They're married a few months before me and she's officially a Malvon now not Locason again.

"Just in time sweetheart" Cailey hugged my dad

"Mom.. stop hugging Aiden like that" Cailey said and mom released the hug

"I'm lonely" Mom said and walked towards my dad

"You have me love.. why lonely?" My dad kissed the side of my mom's head

"Can't believe my bastard of a brother getting married today" Cailey said smirking at me and I rolled my eyes

"Are you going to congrats me or going to insult me Cailey cause I don't mind kicking my sister here" I said and she laughed. She hugged me

"So proud of you lil bro.. can't believe you're already grown up and I still remembered when I pulled your diaper and you cried" She teased and I hissed releasing the hug

"Congratulations Aiden" Zac gave me a hug

"I'm going to miss you" Cailey pinched my cheeks and I hissed pushing her hand away

"Go away you ugly"

"Excuse me? You're the ugly one" She put her hands on her waist giving me a glare

"Kids stop fighting.. you're not 5 anymore even though I want you guys to stay 5" My mom said and I smiled

"We'll be waiting inside okay? Take your time" My dad put his arm around my mom's shoulder

"Sky.. not yet.. aaa" My mom whined

"We'll see him later again Janet.." My dad dragged my mom out , my sister and her husband walked out too. Suddenly the boys walked in

"Congrats" Archer said

"Yeah.. congrats" Andrew said

"Can't believe you're not single anymore" Joel said and I rolled my eyes

"You guys are not single too" I said

"We need to celebrate your last day before getting tied down dude" Matthew said and as usual.. the leader

"Celebrate what?"

"Go to strip club" Daniel suggested

"Nice idea"

"Words only.. you guys are all afraid with your own girls" Dylan said and I chuckled

"We're settling down boys.. accept the fact"

"So happy for you Aiden , can't wait to see little Locason" Chris said

"Can't imagine that" Morris said truthfully and we laughed

"Soccer bet next week?" Marco asked

"Sure thing" I said

"Here's the new gold card" Matthew threw the card towards me and since Elena today is official one of us so she got the Gold Card too

"2 down.. 13 to go right?" Axel asked as I looked at Elena's name.. Elena Locason on the card

"Yeah.. eventually it will" Brandon said and of course we all will settle down. Can't believe the Gold Lifes is getting bigger and bigger as the time goes by

"You gotta prepare that cards Lemiere" Andrew said

"Of course"

"You okay?" I asked Brandon and everyone is looking at him

"Ignore him.. he's getting crazy over this girl" Matthew said

"Can't wait Brandon.. can't wait" Archer smirked

"Yeah whatever"

"Can we have time with him now?" Lauren peeked and I nodded

"Go out you all" I said and one by one they walked out

"Can't believe today is your day" Autumn said hugging me

"You're all grown up" Joan said

"Of course Joan.. I can't be small forever"

"Take care of Elena okay? Or I'll kick your butt"

"You're suppose to defend me not here Crystal" I said hugging her and she chuckled

"We're girls Aiden.. we're always on the girls side" lauren said

"Yeah right.."

"I remember pranking you for lying to Elena about your sickness" Crystal smirked

"Of course.. I just need her touch that's why I lied you rats" I hissed and they laughed

"You're pathetic" Lauren said

"Look at the mirror Lauren" I shook my head

"Goodluck big boy.. can't believe we're adding one more to the family" Joan patted my butt and I glared at her

"We'll see you inside okay Aidey.. We love you.. don't forget that" Autumn said smiling , I smiled looking at them go

"Mr. Locason.. it's time" I'm officially a married man today

Aiden Locason
Elena Locason

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