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Well, here I am. Back in New York.

My heart races a little at the thought.

It's not my first time in the city. I've visited several times before.

But now it's different.

This time I'm here to stay.

I'm trying to make my way through the crowded station, when I see a girl tripping all over herself tying to snap a picture of something.

It's none of my buisness, but I can't help but steal a look.

The subject in the photo is a tall girl with long, blonde hair.

There's something magnetic on her. For some reason, she really stands out.

But she doesn't even seem to notice all the attention she's getting, and just keeps walking.

She's really pretty. Is she famous or something?

I find myself staring at her in a daze.

She stops for a second and pulls a cellphone out of her purse.

Then resumes walking at a brisk pace, chatting away without skipping a beat.


I notice something tumbling out of her purse, onto the floor.

I rush over to pick it up.

It's a little present bag.

I act instinct and pick it up, looking around for the girl.

There she is!

Soon, I spot her tall figure walking through the crowd.

"Hey, excuse me!"

She doesn't seem to hear me and just keeps walking toward the exit.

After a quick glance at the present bag in my hand, I start following the girl as fast as I can.

I looked around and spot her blonde hair across the street.

Relieved, I weaved my way though other pedestrians to catch up to her.

"Wait up!"

This time she can clearly hears me, and stops in her tracks.


I hold out the present bad to her.

??: "What's this?"

"You dropped it at the station."

I do my best to sound friendly and breezy,but I'm still huffing and panting a lot.

The girl's face lights up in bright smile when she takes closer look at the pakage.

??: "Oh my god! I didn't even notice I dropped it! Thank you so much!"

She says it excitedly as she takes the present from my hands.

She seems really happy... It must be something important.

??: "Are you okay? It must be hard to catch up with me."

"Um, yeah..."

I've never met this girl before, but she's so pretty, and she seems super friendly.

I have a good feeling about this.

??: "It's a present for my little brother. He would've been really disappointed if I'd lost it."

"Oh. I'm glad you got it back then."

I stammer a reply.

??: "Thank you so much! See you around!"

I sigh as I watch her go.

I guess there really are some friendly New Yorkers out there.

"Okay, so..."

I take a look around me.

Wait. Where am I again?

I was in such a rush to catch up to the girl, I completely lost track of where I was.

Was the station that way?

??: "Hey."

I turn and see the same girl standing there.

??: " Let me guess. You're lost?"

"I think so. I'm not familiar with the city..."

??: "Okay. Don't worry, I'll help you out."

She gives me a reassuring look and smiles.

??: "Where were you trying to go?"

"The Palace Hotel."

??: "Oh, that's easy."

She stares at me, a hint of surprise in her eyes.

??: "That's where I'm headed too."

She pointedly looks at the building off to the side.

I follow her glance.


It's a stone building with a very distinctive gate. It looks vaguely familiar.

"So this is the Palace Hotel. It's so close,  I feel silly getting lost like that."

??: "Yeah..."

We look at each other and laugh.

??: "Are you staying here?"

She asks me, smiling.


??: "Me to, but just temporarily, though. My name's Serena what's yours?

"My name's [Y/N]."

Serena: "Nice to meet you,  [Y/N]."


We continue chatting animatedly as make our way into the hotel lobby.

To be continued...

Gossip Girl Party // PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now