Episode 3 Tangled Webs

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I spent the night at the hotel with dad. We decide to have breakfast together before we check out.

I look up a restaurant on my phone.

"How about we have some pancakes? There's a famous pancake place pretty close by."

We start to head for the door, when dad's cell phone rings.

He picks it up, and once he's done talking, he gives me an apologetic look.

Dad:"Sorry, [Y/N]. I have some work to get done so I'll have to stay. Why don't you grab breakfast on your own? You can go to the pancake place, or we can order room service if you want. "

"I'll have room service with you."

Dad:"Great! You choose whatever you want from the menu."

I'm flipping through the menu deciding what to eat when dad's cell phone rings again.

(Something tells me I'd be distracting him if I stay.)

"Dad, I think I'll go out after all."

"I'll probably take a walk while I'm out. I'll be back in time to check out, okay?"

I head out the front entrance.

(Wait, where is that pancake place again?)

I'm walking out, looking up the way to the restaurant on my phone, when Serena walks through the gate.

She's wearing the same clothes as yesterday.


She calls out to a guy standing near the entrance.

It's Blair's boyfriend, Nate.

They greet each other so awkwardly, its obvious something's going on between them.

I find myself ducking off behind a corner. I don't know why, it just feels wrong letting them see me.

Nate:"But you're back now, right?"

Serena:"Blair is my best friend. You are her boyfriend, and she loves you. That's how things are supposed to be."

Serena turns away from Nate and heads for the front entrance.


I hide as quickly as I can, hoping she doesn't see me.

???:"You know it's rude to eavesdrop, right?"


I look up, startled, and see one of the guys from yesterday standing right behind me.

"I didn't mean to do it!"

Serena suddenly notices us.


She glares at me and the guy. Izaac, if I remember correctly.

"Um, I..."

Serena:"Sorry, I'm in a hurry. We'll talk later, okay?"

Visibly frazzled, she starts walking to the hotel.


I try to chase her, but I run into a guy walking out of the gates.

My phone goes flying to the door.

Man:"Shoot! I'm so sorry."

"It's okay."

I stammer, looking up to see if Serena's still there.

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