Author's Note

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Here are my tips, tricks, do's, and don'ts about writing.

This writing guide (and any writing guide, for that matter) is not fact. It's opinion. It's not some hard-and-fast law carved into stone. Nothing about writing is. The things outlined in this guide are guidelines. That means they don't fit every story situation. They're just generalizations. Every statement I make in this guide (except this one) has exceptions and loopholes. It's up to you to decide whether a certain element of your story is one such exception or loophole.

There are never any set rules on how to write, just suggestions/guidelines. Since most of us are learning, we should follow some sort of guidelines, I believe, until we're good enough to play around and break the rules a bit. We can't break the rules until we know them.

This guide only shares what I figure out about writing as it applies to my own stories. That may be completely different for you. If you're interested in hearing my iinsights about writing (as it applies to me), then feel free to read this guide! But by no means do you have to adhere to the things I say in this guide.

Note that this applies to ALL writing guides, not just mine. Pick and choose the points you personally agree with from a wide variety of sources to construct your own "doctrine" or guidelines about writing. This is one such source you're welcome to pull ideas from.

There's no logical order or oganization to this guide. I post chapters as I come up with them. I could reorder them to put all characterization chapters together and plot chapters together, etc., but with 100+ chapters, that would take a while. And it would confuse people when I add a new chapter in the middle of the guide, so I'm leaving it as is.

If you have other topics you'd like me to cover, let me know IN THE COMMENTS OF THE LAST CHAPTER IN THIS GUIDE, TITLED: TOPIC SUGGESTIONS.

Yuffie's Writing How-To'sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora