Chapter six

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Seriously, what had I been thinking?

I should have done the good thing and slept on the sofa. But no, my sleepy judgement just had to make me sleep in Jimin's bed with him literally a few inches away.

I couldn't understand why it should matter to me so much. But it did. And I couldn't understand why.

We were set to leave for our recreation destination - the beach - in a while. We were told to pack up the necessary things.

I sneaked a glance up at Jimin. I watched him zip his bag shut. He then looked at Taehyung, who was just rising from sleep.

"Go get ready! Now!" Said Jimin, in a voice that was commanding yet gentle.

"Ah Jiminnie you don't have to be so rude!" Said Tae, but went to the bathroom anyway.

Jimin glared at Taehyung's back, and shook his head. He sighed, grabbing Tae's carry bag and stuffing the nearby lying things into it.

That was what I loved about him: he gave his help to people without asking. His help was unconditional for the people he cared for.

Suddenly, he looked up at me, our gazes locking together.

I looked down instantly, hiding my steadily heating cheeks.

I started fiddling with the strap of my bag.

"Look, Jungkook, if last night is bothering you-"

"Jimin! Can you pass me my towel!" Yelled Taehyung from the bathroom.

"Come and take it yourself!" Yelled Jimin back at him.

"But I'm naked!" Yelled Tae. "Do you want that visual so bad?"

"Ew!" Jimin yelled extra loud.

"Why this..." he muttered before he snatched the towel from the bag where he had just put it. He opened the bathroom door, and keeping his face away from the bathroom, threw the towel in.

"HEY!" yelled Tae. "You threw it in the water!"

"Serves you well" yelled Jimin. He sighed, and came to sit at the foot of his bed, which happened to be in front of me.

"Hyung, about last night-" I began.

"It's Okay, Jungkook." He said softly, looking into my eyes. "I understand. You don't have to say anything."


"We can forget it happened, if you'd like that." He said, standing up. His eyes dipped a little. "But personally, I don't ever want to."

A charged silence fell between us then. Words I wanted to say died in my throat, new ones brimming on my lips.

I took a step closer and took a deep, cleansing breath. Neither of us was ready for what came out of my mouth.

"Then don't."

The tense silence was now palpable. I could feel it in there, begging to be acknowledged and lifted. My fingers - knotted tightly around my bag - ached for something that I didn't know.

There also wasn't a lot of space between us.

For some reason I will never be able to explain - my eyes flitted to his lips. They were full, and looked like they would be soft. Glancing up, I saw that he was eyeing my lips too.

Just then, the bathroom door opened with the door banging loudly against the wall, followed by a loud Taehyung. He had a towel wrapped around his lower body, and it looked like that was the only item of his clothing on him.

Jimin and I sprung apart. Jimin had no room to back up, so he fell back on the bed with a wince.

Taehyung obliviously still hummed to the cheery tone of a song I didn't recognize, and walked into the closet.

I didn't think my face had ever been so hot.

Just then, the door opened, and Jin hyung came in.

"What are you doing Jimin? Now is not the time to sleep. It's time to shine~~" crooned Jin hyung, laughing.

"Why are you dressed like you're going to a little girl's tea party?" Asked Taehyung.

All of us burst out laughing. I realized that he was right. He was dressed in a white  shirt polka dotted pink with beige shorts.

"He's right!" I said.

Jin rolled his eyes. "Come on, you three. I need to get my tan on." He said, leaving.

"I can't believe him sometimes." I commented.

"Agreed." Said Jimin. I looked at him looking at me, and we both looked away.

Taehyung whistled. "I have to say, if it weren't you two, i would have said it was cute."

"What?" Jimin and I said almost in unison, making us blush again.

"You three!" We jumped when Namjoon hyung yelled from outside. "Get out. Now."

We got out, giggling.


For the lack of a better word, this was boring.

I just wanted to know who thought that it was a brilliant idea to have all of us lying under the sun in our mats by the pool and do nothing.

I suddenly was struck by an idea.

I twisted to whisper my idea in Hoseok hyung's ear, who lay on his mat beside me. He was, predictably, excited. He then turned to whisper the same thing in Jimin's ear.

Smirking, he called to Taehyung. He looked at him, lowering his sunglasses down his nose.


He stood up, gesturing for Hobi and me. "Remember that payback we discussed?"

TaeTae visibly gulped. He looked at me for help. I shrugged.

"Well it's TIME!" Yelled Jimin, as Hobi took hold of Tae's legs, and Jimin his head.

They both, together, threw his body in the water.

Tae screamed. He came up after a while, coughing and spluttering.

I didn't realize I was standing close to the edge, but sure did when Tae caught hold of my ankle, and dragged me down.

I let out a shriek, but soon, water was in my mouth and nose.

I came up, spluttering and coughing like Taehyung.

"WOW!" I exclaimed when I saw that everyone, save for Rapmon hyung, were in the water.

Jimin and Taehyung were splashing each other with water, while Yoongi and Jin hyung were advancing towards Namjoon.

Namjoon thought better of it, and got in himself.

We all laughed, pointing at him.

We were soon a mess, laughing and dunking each other's heads in the water.

Jimin had his arms around Tae and Hobi, and Taehyung was calling to me from where I splashed Jin.

I ran to them, and we formed a chain.

This had soon become one of the best days I had had with my group members, one that I would never like to forget.

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