Barney Rubble - Part 31

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I was elbow deep in tissues and feeling sorry for myself instead of studying when there was a knock at the door. I contemplated not answering it, but then I caved and unlocked the door. "Come in," I called, gathering up my Kleenexes off the bed and disappearing into the bathroom to check my appearance before the door swung open.

It was official; I looked like I'd spent the day crying. A bit of an overstatement, but it didn't feel like much of one at this point. My dark blonde hair was still damp from practice and my puffy blue eyes had a nice bloodshot accent. This was not my best look.

"Liz?" Rob called tentatively.

"Just a sec," I said, staring at myself in the mirror and taking deep breaths. None of this was worth crying over. None of it. I just needed to get a grip. I took one last deep breath and came out of the bathroom, leaving the door ajar and avoiding Rob's gaze. "Do you want me to put the kettle on?" I asked, adopting his phrase.

There was a long pause where I would normally get a quick yes which forced me to look at him.

His shoulders slumped. "You're still upset. I wondered when you didn't turn up after practice."

I bit my lip and felt tears pooling in my eyes again. I blinked and they fell down my cheeks in two giant drops. I wiped them away quickly and shook my head as he came forward to hug me.

"No," I said, worried I'd break out in great wracking sobs if he was too kind to me. I needed to buck up, not break down. "I just need a sec," I said, taking a deep, shuddering breath. I gave him a wobbly smile. "See – all better."

He retreated to my bed and sat with a heavy sigh, watching me carefully. "Are you alright? Truly? I don't know. This doesn't look like alright to me." He gave me a bewildered look.

I couldn't help a laugh through my tears. Boys were super dense. Of course I wasn't alright – were men really that literal?

"My life just feels like it's falling apart at the moment. I just had a meeting with the Coach where he sort of inferred that he might not trust that I'm honest. I'm also pretty sure he knew about initiation – maybe for years – without saying anything. I'm not sure how to feel about that. This year it was fine, but I don't know if it was fine every year. Then, Mishti asked me when I got back if I'd switch rooms with Lark, so I'd be Jill's roommate."

"Could you stand her voice all the time?" Rob asked, a touch of humor lighting his eyes.

"That would be the least of my worries. She told me the other night at the bar that you had some questionable taste for dating me. Yes, please – let me be your roommate now," I said, rolling my eyes. Rob started to speak and I held up my hand, "No, it's fine. I'm over that."

"Then, Karen tried to drop the 'Rachel and Rob were dating' bombshell. Then, Lark's boyfriend is here and she's been cheating on him with anyone with a penis for months now. I just – I just can't take it all. I can't." My voice had risen about three octaves in my rant, but at least I didn't feel like crying anymore. Maybe a round of boxing was in order, but no more tears.

"Blimey," Rob said, coming over and enveloping me into a hug.

"I know, right?" I agreed, accepting his hug and squeezing him back. "Also, I have an exam tomorrow and between Cal and Lark having sex, Rachel and Karen jumping me in the study room, Mishti and Coach cornering me and now, no offense, you being here – no studying has been done. I'm going to fail."

Tricia burst into the room and then stopped dead. "Uh, am I interrupting something? There wasn't a sock on the door." She trailed off and then as soon as she saw my face she said, "Oh no, ugly crying face. How'd that happen?" She dropped her bag on the floor and came forward to turn our two-person hug into a three-person hug.

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