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So I have a surprise planned for this Wednesday, and thought I would post the LAST TWO CHAPTERS of HOW I LOST YOU EARLY. Like now!

Sorry to see the end of this story? Well, I plan to write a story someday that will show an update of characters from all my books. It's in my brain, I just have to find time to do it!

Anyhow. Here's the last two chapters. I hope you enjoyed HOW I LOST YOU, and stay tuned for a WATTPAD EXCLUSIVE sneak peak coming SOON!



Chapter Twenty-Seven

On the morning of my eighteenth birthday, I woke up with a heavy heart. Every year since we’d moved to Tadita, Kya and James would be bouncing on my bed already.

Had James decided not to accept me as a friend? Was he asking for a different choice than what I’d thought? I honestly thought James would be around. Especially on my birthday. James loved birthdays.

Guilt mixed with anger and then turned to sadness. Was it my fault for not feeling the same way about him? I’d thought our friendship was strong enough to take almost anything. Was I now toxic to him the way Kya had become to me? Was he better off without me in his life? The questions brought tears to my eyes and made my nose ache.

I’d never wanted to hurt either of them.

“Monkey pancakes are so great,” Mom sang downstairs. Her voice drifted up to my room and added to the emptiness in my heart. I dragged myself out of bed. Indie brushed past me in the hall.

“Hey. What up, birthday girl?” he said, and pretended to karate-chop me.

I didn’t answer or even crack a smile.

“You okay?” He dropped his hands to his sides and frowned.

“No.” I went back to my room and shut the door.

A few seconds later, he knocked softly.

“Go away, Indie,” I said, not caring that my behavior was more fitting of a ten-year-old than an eighteen-year-old.

My best friends were lost. It sunk in and it stung.

Indie walked away from the door. The ache in my heart expanded. I flopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling, feeling a pity party for one coming on.

Soon my door opened again and Mom stuck her head inside. “Can I come in?” She walked in before I answered.

“I’m sorry you’re feeling sad on your birthday,” she said.

“I miss them.” I kept my eyes on the ceiling, wishing I could go back. When things were easier and the three of us would be bouncing on the bed, waiting for monkey pancakes from my dad. “Especially James. But Kya too. No matter what.”

Mom leaned against my dresser and I sat up and crossed my legs on the bed.

“Kya was never your problem to fix,” she said.

“Maybe. But I’m worried for her. I mean, I’ll always worry. Even if I can’t be there for her anymore.”

“You’re growing up,” Mom said, and moved closer, sitting down on the end of the bed. “You’re doing the right thing, Grace. You have to look after you. Kya’s a strong girl. She’s going to be okay.”

My feet were chilled. I got up and went to the dresser, opened my sock drawer, and pulled out my yellow SpongeBob socks, a gift from James last Christmas. I sat on the bed beside her and pulled them on.

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