More then friends

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It has been four years since Elliot had to leave Special Victims Unit to save his marriage. Olivia was very upset, because he didn't give her notice. He didn't say a 'goodbye' even. But Liv pushed her thoughts of him to the side and began working more. She adopted a son named, Noah and met Tuck. But life wasn't the same without Elliot in hers. And that of which ended when there was a knock on her office door.

"Come in," She says, loudly.

The door opened and their was Elliot.

"Can I have my job back?" He asked, smiling.

She laughed and got up. She ran to him and he picked her up. He spun her around and she felt the erg to kiss him. So she did. And after that day, Elliot and Liv was more then friends.

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