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As I step into my home, I let out a scream of rage. I knew I had lost any chance I would've had with Simon... What am I saying? Am I stupid? He's a prick who kicks a ball into a goal. Why should I care about him?

Once I set my head straight, I walk back over to the front door, opening it with no confidence at all.

As the wood pushes itself aside, I'm greeted by a tall, muscular body.

"Uh, I saw you run in here and figured I should-"

"Oh save it," I interrupt. "Why were you driving through here anyways?" I interrogate.

"I was on my way to the championship game that's in a few days..." he replies, letting his voice trail off.

I bite my lip, letting my eyes scramble to my feet yet again.

"I just hope my dad can get your car fixed immediately so you can leave," I grumble, walking past him, hitting my shoulder against his arm in the process.

His hand is placed on my shoulder, spinning me around.

"What just happened?" he questions. "Why do you hate me all of a sudden?"

"All of a sudden?" I scoff. "I've never liked you to begin with."

"Didn't seem like that earlier..."

"Because I forgot who you truly are for a second. I'm sorry I got caught up with you in the first place," I reply, turning back around and beginning my walk.

"Okay," he announces, jogging to stand in front of me. He begins to walk backwards. "But why do you not like me?"

"Because I've seen what you've been doing during your whole career, and I don't like it," I explain.

"What have you seen?" he asks with a disappointed look.

"It seems you already know," I reply.

"Okay, Miss. Know-It-All, what have you seen?"

"I've read that you enjoy spending your leisure time at strip clubs and chatting it up with female bartenders so you can get free shots," I say with defiance. None of it was true, he was too young for starters. But he didn't seem to notice he was underage for any of the nonsense I spat.

"So you believe what the magazines have to say about me? What about not letting anyone else tell you how to think about a person?"

I stop walking, and he stops too. I inch closer to his body, attempting to intimidate him. I move my face up to his with serious eyes.

"I am not getting hurt by a douche like you," I mumble, gaining my confidence back. I move away, walking around him and toward the diner.

On my way there, I realize that my dad has towed Simon's Rover to our shop, so I make a quick detour. And unfortunately am greeted by Simon once more. I choose to ignore him.

"Hey dad," I smile, standing by him as he examines under the hood of Simon's automobile.

"Hey sweetie," he sighs, not shaking his intense concentration on the car to glance at me.

"When do you think this'll be fixed up so he can leave?"

"Amari," he scolds.

"Sorry," I reply.

"By the looks of it right now," he starts, "might be a few days."

"What?" Simon and I both exclaim in sync. I roll my eyes at his voice, crossing my arms over my chest with attitude.

"I'm sorry, guys. But there's something seriously wrong here," he replies, digging his hands between the small machines.

"Amari, can I talk to you?" Simon asks politely. I clench my jaw, nodding. I slowly turn, walking outside of the shop. "Can we start over?" he questions with hope lit in his irises.

My heart races, my eyes flickering between both his eyes. "I'm sorry, I just can't put aside what the press have to say about you."

He groans, snapping his head toward the sky. "Please... I just-" he stops, looking back at me. "I just have never felt this way about someone."

"Before you confess anymore of your undying love for me," I rudely tease, "I'm just going to remind you that you'll be leaving soon anyways so what's the point in any kind of relationship." His face softens, turning into a shallow color of sadness. "Plus, we just met. There's no way you could possibly have feelings for me that would last long."

"Could we just make the best of these few days we have together? And see where things go?" I raise my eyebrows, making him grunt again. "I've never felt so connected to someone so quick. Please just try."

"I'm sorry, I just can't," I reply, running to the diner. How could I avoid him for the whole of his visit?, I questioned myself.

••a few hours later••

The day was coming to an end, and I hadn't seen Simon since our run-in at the shop. My dad asked if I knew him and I responded with a stern no. I wish I didn't know him, and never met him.

On another note, Calissa and I made up. I apologized for being so blind and smacking her. She forgave me, and we hugged it out.

"He seriously tried that hard to hang out with you?" she questioned.

"Yeah... I think he's just desperate for a girlfriend to gain him some more fame and attention," I sighed, kicking a pebble across the road.

"Sorry, hun," she replies, draping an arm over my shoulder. "And I didn't mean what I said earlier."

I look at her with confusion.

"If you like him, and I'm aware you two literally just met, you should go for it. We don't get many boys that are close to our age and are that good looking," she says, smiling wide, and adding a wink at the end. "It's gotta be fate. I mean, we haven't had a car break down here in ages."

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