One Night With The Fae - Chapter Ten

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- The End -

Brathnach's only consolation in the end was the chance that he would be with his dear Lady in death. His hand could no longer grip the faery. His heart was turning to ice. It hurt more than he expected. His one regret was letting his Queen die when he wasn't by her side. He hoped the human suffered a death like his. Then he thought no more.

Drake tried to follow Cara up the stairs, but the entrance had sealed itself as soon as she made it outside. A hand on his shoulder forced him to turn around. The banshee looked back at him.

"None can leave."

She and her sisters led him to the centre of the Great Hall where all of the dead bodies were laid on the ground in a pile of death. He saw the black candles on the ground and smelled the herbs they were using to make pastes. He was told to line up alongside several other male faeries and realised exactly what was going on.

The Irish fae were planning on resurrecting their long dead King into a living faery. Drake had no idea how, but by some means the King's spirit was still in existence. Perhaps that was the punishment they had spoken of when they destroyed him and took his power. The stories had been vague, but this explained them all.

Drake had feared a battle between the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, but what was coming was much worse. The returning King would wreak havoc on all of his foes. And Drake could end up right in the middle of it. If he wasn't chosen, he would die anyway, but that was preferable to the alternative.

The chanting had already begun. Nobody could stop it now. Too much blood had been sacrificed. Death walked freely. Drake looked around at the others who had been chosen; they all looked proud. All except for him.

The Irish fae were already celebrating the return of their long lost King. Bodhráns drummed in unison as they waited for his arrival. The banshee marked Drake's forehead with the paste, creating meaningful symbols. Drake closed his eyes and prayed that his death would be swift, if he was chosen or not.


Cara made it outside safely, gulping in fresh air as her head immediately cleared. Turning to help Drake, she reached toward the hole. An awful shriek filled the air, forcing Cara to clap her hands over her ears. The hole filled in neatly, blocking Drake's way out.

Cara sank to her knees, tears streaming from her eyes as she clawed the ground trying to find a way back in. He had saved her, and now he was trapped. The music had stopped, the lights were gone. The world was supernaturally quiet. Cara knew the old stories. She would never get into the land of the fae the same way twice. She had spent one night with the fae. Now the faery who had saved her life was lost to her forever.


Thanks for reading! These short stories inspired a novel written in Cara's POV. Soul and the rest of the Chaos Series are available on most online retailers in ebook form.

Soul is now available on Wattpad in full.

A Faery Tale - FinishedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora