Accepting His Love: Chapter Nine

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For the remainder of the day, Abigail and Derek worked in silent tandem, him plowing and her sowing the winter wheat seeds. They were almost finished with the quarter of her land that they were in and Abigail knew that soon Derek would have to leave for his own property.

It was monotonous work, but Abigail didn't dare speak. After her little colloquy with Derek earlier, the day had been charged with nothing but awkward silences and tension filled moments. Derek didn't joke with her, touch her...nothing. She supposed she should be happy as this was exactly what she wanted, but it made her feel sad. As if she had done something wrong and life as she knew it was messed up somehow.

As she worked, Abigail began to take notice of the temperature around her. If she had to guess what day it was, she figured it was probably somewhere in mid-October. The weather had begun to change and Abigail could now feel the chilly air nipping at her exposed neck. She would have to start gathering her heavier dresses and shawls if she was to stay warm during the oncoming winter season. She just hoped that the seeds they were sowing now would sprout and survive throughout the winter like they were supposed to. What she was going to do with all that wheat after it was grown in the spring, she knew not. She guessed that she could use some of it to make bread, but she'd have to make an oven pit since she was short of a working oven out in the territory.

She was buried deep in thought when the sound of an approaching horse had the both of them looking up. A woman rode into view and stopped her horse directly in front of them.

"Hello," she said breathlessly from on top of the grey horse. As she went to slide off her saddle, Derek quickly handed the reins of the plow to Abigail and rushed to her aid. He placed his hands on her waist and she placed her hands on his shoulders as he helped her down.

When her feet hit the ground, Abigail got a chance to examine the newcomer. She was very beautiful. So beautiful in fact that just by looking at her, Abigail began to feel self-conscious. She was wearing an elegant, but simple red dress and it hugged her slender figure. She had a fair, milky complexion, and dark, bouncy waves of hair hung freely down her back. Looking at her face, Abigail saw that she had high cheek bones, sculpted eyebrows and soft pale pink lips; and along with a dusting of light freckles across the bridge of her tiny straight nose, the woman had a pair of sparkling deep green eyes. She was stunning to say the least and was currently flashing brilliant pearly whites up at Derek, who gave a tentative smile back, albeit a bit awkwardly.

"Hello, miss...." he greeted, not sure of her name as she hasn't offered it yet. The woman hadn't acknowledge even Abigail's presence as of yet and was still smiling and staring longingly at Derek. It was starting to tick Abigail off and she didn't even know her yet.

"Coraline Manchester," she said finally. "But you may call me Coral. Pleasure to meet you...."

"Derek Greyson." She extended her hand to shake his and Abigail noticed that her handshake lasted a little longer than necessary. Abigail took that moment to clear her throat and Coraline jumped in surprise. The woman turned to Abigail and offered a cordial smile, but somehow, it looked stained and forced.

"Oh. I apologize ma'am. This is my friend, Abigail Jenkins." Derek said apologetically. "She owns the land we're on right now."

"Hello." Abigail offered her hand to shake hers but the woman merely proffered another tight lipped smile and gave a nod.

Abigail let her hand drop.

"Is there something you wanted miss?" He asked, probably just as confused as Abigail was as to why Coraline had suddenly dropped by.

"Ah yes. You see, I was originally coming out here with my father to participate in the land run, but unfortunately he took ill. I was coming on a stage to Kansas City, to participate in my father's stead, but it broke down. So, I brought this horse and some supplies to make it down here. Now I've heard talk of some communities being formed and I wanted to join one." She gave a dramatic, exaggerated sigh and went on. "My life's just been mishap after mishap and I stopped here to ask you if I could rest a while. I'm feeling rather sore and it'd be nice to stop for just a day or two to get some sleep. If you don't mind that is."

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