Accepting His Love: Chapter Eighteen

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"Let's do something today."

Abigail lay on her back on a blanket spread on the ground. They were at the start of winter now and the air was chilled, but she made sure to wear a thick shirt. Another warm blanket was draped over her to ensure maximum warmth. She took a deep breath and was pleased with the fresh air that filled her lungs. It sure was a blessing to be alive. Blind as a bat, but nonetheless, alive.

"How about some chores," she replied. "It wouldn't hurt none to wash some clothes before the stream gets frozen."

"Chores...really Abigail? I was thinking more along the lines of something fun."

"In that case, our list of possible fun activities is severely limited. I'm blind." She stated matter-of-factedly, waving a hand over her eyes to further her point. She snorted in amusement. In truth, it was becoming less of a challenge to acknowledge lately. She could now say "blind" without going into a panic attack.

"Don't get smart with me, missy. I know that, but there's gotta be something the both of us could do."

She cocked an eyebrow. "Uh huh. Like what?"

"Hmmmm..... How about... we take a ride?" he suggested.

She pursed her lips and threw a caustic glare in his general direction, knowing that he was watching her every move.

"Now don't look at me like that. Just 'cause your blind don't mean a thing. You can still take a simple horse ride."

"And how do you suppose I do that? I can't exactly see where I'm riding. I could very well fall off? Did ya think 'bout that?"

He was silent for a few seconds. "I just thought of a way. Come on, I'll take you for the ride of your life." He tugged on her hand, but she pressed her weight back into the ground.

"Can't we just take the wagon for a ride? I've ridden a horse before and it ain't that spectacular."

"I know that, but you've gotta loosen up and enjoy the simpler things in life," he said, tugging on her arm to get her up. "I promise it'll be fun."

"You sound like a child," she said smirking.

"So what? You need to live a little. Feel the wind in your hair. And I'm just the man to help you." He yanked her up and right into his arms. She stepped away just as quickly, but he took her hand and placed it in the crook of his elbow and guided her towards their horses.

"Do I really have to?" she asked, even though she knew that she really didn't have a choice, judging by how eager he was to place her in the saddle.

"Yup. Now stop your murmurin' and complainin'. Just enjoy the ride."


Surprisingly, it had been fun. Derek had tied a rope around her horse's neck and attached it to his own, thereby allowing her to enjoy a simple horseback ride. He'd urged their horses into a canter and then to a full gallop. The feel of the wind rushing against her face was more than refreshing and it brought a smile to her face. For a moment, if she mustered up all the images in her memory (at least what was left of them), she could imagine the blue sky, the green grass and the bright sun. The activity had brought a smile to her face and she was thankful for Derek having thought of it.

He had taken them both back to the spot where they'd started the day at, and now as they lay side by side on the ground, Derek thought it would be fun to have her guess what types of shapes he was drawing into her hand with his finger. "Stop that. That tickles" Abigail said pulling her hand away from Derek's grasp.

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