Headlines and Flash! Flash! Flash!

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Me and Sandman went into Benzedrine lab.

"What is it Ben?" Sandman asked

"We are going to test how to get Jess back to her world" He answered back "Sandman grab Jess's hand and try to teleport to the other side of the lab"

He held my hand and closed his eyes. Sliver glitter started to cover him and made its way to me. It started getting cold and really bright so I closed my eyes. The light faded and I was still at the same spot but Sandman was across the room.

"Let me try" Benzedrine said grabbing my hand and doing the same thing Sandman did. Only the glitter was gold and even though it got light again his was warm not cold. But it was the same thing happened. I was sit in the same spot. Benzedrine went back to his notebook.

"Maybe if we hold her" He suggested

Sandman nodded and held me. Silver glitter came down on us and we closed our eyes. When the light faded we had both teleported.

"We did it!" Benzedrine cheered and I laughed. I was happy to go home but I really started liking it here.

"When is she leaving?" Sandman looked upset

"Well she is ready when ever" Benzedrine responded

"No! I mean I'm not ready yet" I said

"That's fine if your not" Sandman told me

"I'm going to head outside" I told them heading out the door. I walked down the yard just to relax. But I felt like someone was near. Flashing started everywhere.

"We haven't seen you here" A man said

These men kept talking and taking pictures.

"Smile for the camera!" Another man yelled

"Stop!" I begged

But they wouldn't I started to head to the house and they followed

"Leave her alone! She is from here! Her name is Tiffany Blews!" Horse Shoe Crab opened the door and pulled me in. "Ugh I hate the paparazzi!"

I wiped my eyes and saw Benzedrine and Sandman coming down stairs

"Maybe she should leave soon. Not today but soon" Benzedrine told the guys

"If those pictures make the newspaper don't let her see them" Sandman whispered to Horse Shoe Crab and Benzedrine

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