It all became too much to handle

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It all became too much to handle, as every night was a struggle to keep Hunter safe, and to keep the secrets from my parents. They'd been worried because I'd arrive home so late every night. My grades were plummeting, as I hadn't had time to do my homework while trying to keep Hunter healthy. Not only that, but I'd been having to do his homework, on top of some of mine. I'd go home with barely any homework done, and a plan to do it at night after my parents went to sleep. I'd sit there in the dark, waiting for the right moment. After a while, they went to their room and fell asleep. I'd get out of bed and start my homework. I'd be so tired from taking care of Hunter I'd fall asleep after about two hours. I'd only get about half my homework done.

The next day, I'd have to tell my teachers why I didn't complete the homework. They'd ask me if I was busy, or if there was something going on at home they should know about. I'd say no, and they'd give me a zero for the day. Almost every day my grade would drop half a point. Those days would add up, until I would get Fs and Ds in almost all my classes.

I couldn't tell if Hunter was ever grateful for any of the work I did for him. I didn't know if he was thankful for me keeping him safe, or even just doing his homework. He wasn't stupid, so he did fine on tests. Since I did most of his homework, his grade never really dropped unless he flunked a test or quiz. Even then, it never really seemed to affect his grades. At least, not in science because he always seemed to get As.

Later on, I realized he was bribing our science teacher. Giving her a little money, spending time with her, and other stuff I won't mention. She was fired and he was suspended. That was a gray time for me. I then had time at any hour to do the homework he needed, which was due in about two weeks. I could also do double homework. If I did math, I'd do his at the same time. The only part I didn't really care for was going to his house every day. His mother wasn't home until 8 o'clock, his father was always on some business trip, and his brothers were at a friend's house each school night. I was alone with him, and the pressure was pretty intense.

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