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Video above - haunting winter flute

The Dana girls uncover a shocking clue!

"Jean! Mirabelle is sprawled out on the floor. Something has happened to her!"

Louise scraped at the window with her fingers, hoping to clear away some of the frost as Jean rushed over and squeezed through the bushes to get beside her.

"Look in the mirror!" Louise pointed through the glass where she had scraped it clean. "You can see her on the floor."

Jean peered into the room, a moment later crying out," Oh dear! That chair is on top of her. I hope she's all right."

Both girls called out to the woman and banged on the window, but the figure on the floor did not stir.

Louise looked around frantically. "We must get inside the house to help her!"

Jean tried to pull the bottom window up but it wouldn't budge, obviously locked from the inside. "Let's try some other windows!"

They pushed through the shrubbery and hurried around to the side of the house where there were two more windows. The first was similar to the one in front and also looked into the parlor. But it too was locked and they quickly moved on to the next. It was a smaller window, but one they could still fit through, and they immediately began to push up on the bottom section.

"It's moving!" Jean cried exultantly. "Okay, one ... two ... three ... heave!"

They pushed up with all their might and the window groaned and grumbled as it moved up its tracks. But it soon ground to a halt and they had to heave once again with even more effort.

"Just a couple more inches," Louise grunted, "and we'll be able to squeeze through."

The Dana girls gave one last supreme effort and the icy window screeched as it slid up a few more inches. Without a second thought, Jean flung herself head first and crawled through the opening, banging into a telephone table on the other side. It fell to the floor with a crash and the phone slid off, the receiver falling off the cradle.

When she was on her feet a moment later, Jean quickly looked around the room she found herself in, ascertaining that she was in a small kitchen. She ran for the doorway that led into a hall as Louise climbed into the room behind her.

"This way, Louise!" Jean called, running down the narrow hall that led to the parlor in the front of the house. There was a frigid chill in the air and she knew that there had been no heat in the house for quite some time.

The girl fell to her knees after entering the parlor and almost running into the prostrate woman who was face down on the carpeting. Jean couldn't see her face, only the back of her head and her thick gray hair.

"Mirabelle! Mirabelle! Do you hear me?"

Jean grabbed one of the woman's wrists and the dark skin was cold as ice. She felt for a pulse as Louise flew into the room and dropped down beside her.

"Is she ...?"

"Yes, she's alive," Jean sighed in relief. "Her pulse is good and strong. Poor dear, she must have fallen and got knocked out. I hope no bones are broken."

Louise jumped to her feet and pulled the rocking chair off the woman. "See if you can revive her. I'll put this chair by the fireplace and start a fire."

The elderly woman was wearing a thick robe over a nightgown, and a crocheted shawl was wrapped around her shoulders. Jean was glad for the heavy garments, knowing they had helped to keep Mirabelle somewhat warm. She gently shook the woman's shoulders, calling her name in soothing tones.

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