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After Evelynne left, another man came in. Compared to Evelynne, he did not look very friendly.

He walked right up Arlo and punched him in the stomach, right on his gaping incision. Arlo gasped from the pain. He lurched, but he was fastened down tightly. "That was for trying to escape." The man said. "My name's Domin and yer my charge now so you better listen."

Arlo swallowed hard. This was going to be a rough stay, he thought. Domin just smirked cruelly and lifted his hand to reveal an IV. Then, he jabbed it into Arlo's arm, none too gently. Arlo gritted his teeth, and prepared himself for the worst to come.

Domin hung another fluid bag above Arlo and connected it to the IV. He leaned down to Arlo's ear and whispered, "Now, why don't you tell me about what's on that hard drive we found in your stomach?"

"I swear I don't know! All I was told was where I was supposed to go, and what the guy's name is! I don't know anything else!" Arlo cried out.

Domin gripped Arlo's hair and pulled it off the table before slamming it back down as forcefully as he could, "Liar! Tell me what is in that drive!" He shouted.

"I don't know! I don't know anything inside it." Arlo whimpered.

"I know you know something!" Domin growled. He bent down towards his boot and when he rose, a small knife was in his hand. "Tell me what is inside the drive and I won't hurt you."

"Please don't. I honestly have no idea what is on the hard drive! Please believe me!" Arlo cried.

"Fine. We'll do it the hard way." Domin twirled the blade between his fingers for a moment. Then, he thrust it into Arlo's shoulder blade.

Arlo cried out in pain, "Stop! Please! I don't know anything about the hard drive, except who I was supposed to give it to." He felt himself start to go dizzy, then unconsciousness was merciful, and enveloped Arlo in her arms. Domin sighed and pull out the blade, wiping it casually on Arlo's stomach. He turned around and left, a smug grin on his face.

A few minutes later, the door creaked open. Evelynne came in and froze when she saw Arlo. She hurried over to him, a worried expression on her fair face.

She gently began cleaning up his stomach and arm, trying to conceal her horror.

Suddenly, Arlo groaned and slowly rolled his head back and forth, trying to clear it.

Evelynne stopped what she was doing and watched him, "How are you feeling?" She asked, trying to keep her voice light.

"Light headed." Arlo groaned.

"I warned you about him..." Evelynne looked down at her hands.

"Like there was anything I could've done." Arlo shot back, then wished he didn't as his headache became worse. He groaned again.

"You could've not tried to leave." She snapped, "Then it never would have happened."

"Whatever." Arlo closed his eyes and tried to block out the pain that also started from the stab wound. Evelynne was silent for a few moments.

When she finally spoke, she looked at him, "Look, I'm sorry that this happened. You didn't deserve it."

"I don't know who he is. I assume that-"

Before Evelynne could finish, the door banged open and two large men walked in. They came up to her and grabbed her arms.

Evelynne was confused, "What's going on? What are you doing?" She demanded, trying to get them to release her.

They just smirked and started pulling her out of the room. Arlo looked after her, confused. He struggled with his bonds a little, but they held him fast.

She locked eyes with him, her face full of terror before she was gone. The door slammed closed leaving Arlo alone once again. Arlo swallowed hard. 'This can't be good,' he thought. 'I am going to die now.' He swallowed again, his throat starting to dry up.

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