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Arlo pried Keith's arms away from his neck with ease. He smiled wickedly. "I was almost hoping you'd do something stupid." With that, Arlo threw Keith against the wall, hurting him, but not knocking him unconscious. Keith slumped against the wall and instantly tried to stand up. He faltered and spit up blood, scowling darkly. Then, he put up his fists toward Arlo.

Arlo glanced at Keith's hands contemptuously, then moved between him and the door, pulling Carren with him. He walked towards Keith and asked, "What do you think you can accomplish, weirdo?"

"I'm just trying to get away from you, psycho." Keith spit out, more blood dribbling down his chin.

"It's not going to work. I have a weapon, and you don't, so I don't see how you can do much." Arlo glanced at the scalpel he had dropped. He quickly walked over to it and picked it up, never taking his eyes off of Keith.

Keith hesitated, eyeing the scalpel. However, he still kept his hands up and ready. Arlo noticed a flash of fear pass through his eyes.

Arlo grinned wolfishly at Keith. The grim unsettled Keith, yet he kept his hands up, ready to fight the other man. Arlo kept smiling wickedly as he walked toward Keith. "You know, Evelynne didn't say anything about you getting killed, just to make sure that you didn't escape. Now, you can either give up, and I will just tie you back up, or," Arlo cocked his head back a little, then continued, "you fight me and just get beaten up more, your choice."

"I could beat you in a second." Keith goaded.

Arlo snorted, then resumed the grin. "I highly doubt it." Arlo continued towards Keith, ready for any tricks Keith might throw at Arlo. Keith in return watched Arlo cautiously, waiting for the first blow to come. Arlo feigned a blow to Keith's right side. Keith reacted and dodged, making his left side vulnerable. Arlo quickly slashed at the exposed side, making a shallow cut. Keith stumbled back, gripping his side, not taking his eyes off Arlo. A steady stream of blood poured from his side, staining his shirt red.

"Now who's beating who?" Arlo goaded this time, and started walking towards Keith again, staying on the balls of his feet. Keith answered with a scowl, his eyes narrowing. This time, Arlo feigned a cut to Keith's left side. Keith wasn't fooled and grabbed Arlo's arm. Gripping it tightly, he yanked Arlo to the ground, causing the scalpel to fly out of his hands. Arlo hooked a punch to Keith's right jaw. He stumbled a bit, but recovered and threw his own punch into Arlo's face. He brought his hand back for another punch, but suddenly he stopped. His eyes rolled up into his head and he collapsed, unconscious. Carren stood behind him looking worried and holding a metal pole.

Arlo gave her a tired smile. "Thanks." She nodded and tried to help him up.

Keith stirred slightly and she jumped back, swallowing nervously. Arlo got up and flipped Keith onto his back, tying him up and making sure it was extra tight. Arlo grabbed Keith's shirt and pulled him to the corner opposite of the door, then rethought his thinking, and untied Keith. Arlo pulled the groaning man to the bed, and tied him down. Keith moaned and cracked open his eyes.

Carren stepped quietly over to stand by Arlo. "What are you gonna do?" She asked, staring down at the semi conscious young man.

"We'll wait until Evelynne gets back. That's all we can do. I don't think we should go running around a place where everyone wants us dead." Arlo sighed, and sat on the floor, crisscross. Carren hopped down into his lap and leaned against him.

"Untie me right now." Keith demanded, having woken up.

"I feel like we've been through this already. My answer is the same. No," Arlo said with a sigh.

"Untie me!" Keith yelled, pulling on the straps that held him down tightly.

"No, and if you don't shut up, I'll give you a concussion," Arlo threatened.

"Pretty sure I already have one, genius." Keith shot back.

"Well then I'll make it worse."

Keith huffed quietly, but made no retort.

As he continued to pull on the straps, the door opened and Evelynne came in. She stopped in the doorway and her eyebrow quirked. "What exactly happened, Arlo?" She asked, slightly amused.

"You don't really want to know."

"Okay then...well it's time to go."

Evelynne stepped over to Keith, "Sorry, Keith."

"Yah right. I know you don't care." Keith spit back.

"That's true. I don't care." Evelynne shrugged and turned towards the door. Arlo picked Carren off his lap and stood her up, then followed her up. He gripped Carren's hand gently and followed Evelynne.

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