Chapter 13 - Homework

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Chapter 13 - Homework

I’ve made my choice and surprisingly, I’m okay when I wake up. I’m sure this is what I want and it’s okay. You can’t have everything in life and it’s true that when one door closes, another opens. Dreams change all the time, dreams evolve. I had given up on the dream to become a singer already, I just still had a tiny bit of hope, I guess, and now I let that go as well. It’s okay. I’m okay. I have more dreams and one of those dreams is to be able to make friends, to talk to strangers and at least being able to be polite. It’s a recent dream that’s grown stronger since I saved Harry, that’s for sure, but a dream nonetheless.

So I walk with my head held high to greet my father, knowing exactly what I’m going to say to Mare and excited to start working on this once and for all. It’s good to know I’ll have some guidance on what’s coming for me. It’s good to have someone who can tell you what to do next when it looks so big and impossible to overcome. Someone I can turn to when I don’t know what to do next, when it doesn’t work.

I can’t do this alone, I need help if I want to overcome my social anxiety, even a little bit.

When I approach the crops I find Timmy next to the truck, packing up as usual so I stop by.

“Hey, Ariel,” he greets and it’s nice to have him starting a conversation, with the polite smile of always.

“Hey, Timmy,” I say, easier than any other time and I smile even wider.

“How are you today?” he asks and I know he doesn’t expect a detailed answer, maybe just a 'good' like before, but I look at the sky, at the clean blue sky, so open and majestic and I think of possibilities. Of all those possibilities out there.

“I’m quite good, and you?” I look at him this time and his smile is even wider, happy.

“I’m great,” is his answer and that’s where our conversation ends, both of us smiling before I go to greet my father.

It started with a stuttered hello but now we can exchange some sentences. Maybe, with time, we’ll be able to talk easily, like I do with my sisters or my father. Sure, it took months to gather the courage to talk to Timmy and saving someone to actually take the first step, but at least I did it. Maybe in a not so far future I won’t have to wait months to talk to someone, but just a few minutes. Or days, I can’t be that ambitious, right?

“How’s my beautiful princess today?” my father asks after I hug him.

“I’m quite good, Dad. Ready to start the day. I even have plans for today!” I tell him excitedly and he looks at me with curiosity. “I met someone at the retreat centre. She’s really nice and she’ll help me with my problem,” I tell him and he looks so surprised.

“Really? Well that’s… that’s wonderful, Ariel. I’m happy you made a new friend!” Father looks genuinely happy for me and I know he is, but he’s also so surprised that I actually managed to talk to someone, so I chuckle.

“I know what you’re thinking. It’s her, to be honest, she manages to make me talk. I don’t know how, but she’s really great at that.”

“I’m just happy for you. So go ahead and do your best, princess.” Dad kisses my forehead and I close my eyes for a few seconds.

I will do my best to start working, little by little, until I can speak to strangers. Until I can speak to Harry, clear up this misunderstanding and have a conversation.

I know I’ve said it’s not all for Harry yet he’s always in my mind so when I went to bed last night I realised it’s in big part because of him that I’m actually trying this time. Because there’s someone I want to talk to. And if I manage to talk to him, then I’ll be able to do that with others, right?

Little Shy Ariel (ft. Harry Styles)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang