Chapter Thirty-One: Will and Emma

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Kidnap My Heart

Chapter 31: Will and Emma


I couldn’t get Emma out of my head. It didn’t matter what I did or what I told myself. Not even meaningless hookups could have gotten me back to my previous mindless rut—if I’d been allowed to return to my previous life, that is.

I was pissed off at her, but I knew I was pretty much to blame here. I should’ve known better. I should’ve taken things slow. I should’ve known she was the kind who ran at the first sign of emotion, the first sign of a connection, especially when it was with someone you didn’t actually want to be with. I was an expert at running at the first sign of commitment and emotion. How hadn’t I seen it before it was too late?

I had a feeling she’d do something reckless after that conversation and that kiss. Maybe if it had just been one or the other she would’ve stayed. But both on the same day? I’d all but pushed her out the door and waved her out of my life. Damn it. I shouldn’t have taken her with us.

“Hey, breakfast is ready,” Eric said, poking his head into my room.

I looked up and nodded. I’d been sitting there, just staring off into space for too long. I needed to snap out of this rut. I was giving my mind way too many opportunities to wallow in self-pity. Oh, God, I was turning into my brother when he went through that emo phase in high school. If I even went near a bottle of black nail polish or black skinny jeans, I was signing myself up for rehab.

Eric didn’t move even after I nodded, so I spoke up. “Yeah, alright,” I said, frowning at my plan. I didn’t want to go to rehab. I was pretty sure the Boogeyman 2’s setting was rehab, and I wasn’t going through any of that shit. I was too young to die.

“Taylor made it, so just try to choke it down,” Eric went on, oblivious to the inner demons I was fighting. At least they’d gone from whiny relationship issues to a legitimate fear of rehab and the Boogeyman. “It looks more edible than last time, at least. I don’t think we’ll get food poisoning this time.”

The whole food poisoning thing was an exaggeration, but not by much. We’d let Taylor cook a total of two times since we’d known her, and both times had been pretty scarring. I wasn’t looking forward to a repeat.

“If I throw up, I’m suing her,” I said, standing up. Eric wasn’t going to leave unless I went with him. It was a good thing, I guess. I didn’t need to be in my room. My room just felt boring and empty without Rage; I’d gotten used to her being there all the time. Without her, it didn’t really feel right. I knew it was stupid since I’d lived without her for years, no problem, but things had changed. I hadn’t known her before.

Hell, I even missed her pranks and snarky remarks. I never thought I’d miss either of those things, but I did. And I knew I was going to miss her a whole lot more when my dad handed me my ass for losing her. I needed to tell him before he found out through someone else or through the news.

During dinner, I tried to figure out the best way to tell my dad I’d messed everything up and lost Emma. I mostly focused on how to begin that conversation, but in the end, it didn’t even matter. It was him who called me, not the other way around. Emma was on the news.

“You have five seconds to tell me what the hell happened,” my dad snapped over the phone. He had never sounded this pissed. “How did she escape?”

Damn it. What the hell was I supposed to say? Living with Emma made me realize how great she actually is. I started liking her and I’m pretty sure she started liking me back, but then we made out and she freaked. We went to the store that same day and while she and Taylor were in the dressing room, she made a break for it and I couldn’t track her down. So really, since this all started with your order to keep her in my room, it’s your fault. I wouldn’t have fallen for her if she’d stayed in that garage.

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