chapter 3

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"What store." Zane turned around and clapped his hands together.

"Let's just go to Hot Topic." Julie said looking at the map we were standing by.

"I really wanted to go to the candy store." Max frowned.

"And I wanted to go to Hot Topic." Jake added in.

"Aw, I wanted to go to Macy's. Like the entire store is on sale." I looked at my friends.

"We can split up then." Julie shrugged.

"I'll go with Leslie." Zane piped in. Julie gave me a playful look.

"All of your guys stores are in relatively the same area, Macy's is clear across the mall." Zane added quickly after that.

" I guess that's true, meet here around 5?" Jake looked at his watch, this gave us at least 45 minutes.

"Sounds good." I smiled, and we all parted ways.

"Oh geez, I'm so full." Zane turned and looked down at me as he rubbed his stomach.

"Me too, that hamburger was probably the biggest hamburger I've ever eaten." As I spoke he leaned his head back and laughed, showing the little wrinkles in the corners of his eyes again, like every time he laughed. I couldn't help but smile with him.

As we walked to the other side of the mall we would constantly be asked by the venders if we wanted a sample, or buy a product from there stand, and it only got worse when we got to the perfume department of Macy's.

"Jesus Christ. I haven't had to walk through Macy's in forever. And I remember why I used to hate it." Zane scrunched his nose as he wafted away all the scents.

"Its really not that bad, at least it smells good." I replied looking at all of the samples as we passed.

"I guess you're right, but most of them smell like my grandma." He let out a chuckle. "Why are we even here anyways."

"Remind me never to take you shopping, you're so whiney." I shook my head laughing.

"Oh come on, I'm not whiney." He argued puffing out his chest playfully, I gave it a light punch.

"Okay, whatever you want to think." I quickly got distracted by a purse. "Aw! That's cute. I like the little bow on it." I pointed.

"I like the little bow on it." Zane mocked from behind me playfully. I turned and gave him a glare.

"If its so cute I might just have to buy it for you, then you'd have to use it." I laughed and continued to walk.

"What are we even in here for anyway?" He looked down at me. I heard a group of girls a bit further away from us talking about and looking at Zane, but I could tell he was oblivious to his new fangirls.

"Well, I was hoping to find new shoes or something for sale. What do you think, heels or some new sneakers?" I jumped in front of the shoe options and opened my arms out. He stood straight up, crossing his arms and studying his choices carefully.

"Do you have any formal events coming up?" He rubbed his chin. I shook my head quickly and waited for an answer.

"How about sneakers, girls are always talking about how bad there feet hurt when they wear heels. I don't get it." He shrugged simply.

"Oh man, try speed walking across the zoo to get to prom, that's not even adding in the fact I could barely move in my dress anyways." I laughed at last years prom memory, that year I couldn't go by myself since I was an underclassmen so I had to go with my older sister.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2017 ⏰

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