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In an art museum, an artist stood before a masterpiece and started appreciating how great the painter must be. A science professor was observing all this and started a conversation with the artist.

Professor : The painting is beautiful. Is it hard to paint that?

Artist : He must be a great painter. It requires years of practice to draw such a masterpiece.

Professor : So, he wasted many years of his life (*chuckling*). After all, art is useless.

Artist : Yes sir, Art is useless.
Professor : I'm happy you realized. (He was happy that he could convince him so easily).

Artist : Sir, could you tell me what's the use of science and all this technology?

Professor : I'm glad you asked me that. All this science and technology has enabled us to develop many gadgets and machines.

Artist : That's great Sir. What for those gadgets are for?

Professor : They reduce human effort and makes our lives easier.

Artist : Absolutely great sir. Sir, why should we make our lives easier?

Professor : Are you foolish? That's all for our happiness.

Artist : That's what art gives directly Sir.

Saying so, he left from there.

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