4. Meet The Campbells

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A personal favorite but I definitely think that the song fits with the vibe of the story. That whole laid back, relaxed, San Francisco vibe. Also lovey dovey so jackpot. What do you think?

When Penny asked me to join her for dinner, I thought it would similar to the scene from Beauty and the Beast. It would be just the two of us, sitting across the table separated by an elegant looking candelabra.

I didn't think that we would be accompanied by Penny's parents and Andrew.

Penny's parents were an understandable, albeit unexpected, addition to the table. On the other hand, Andrew's inclusion was rather puzzling. I couldn't fathom why Penny's co-worker was joining us.

Penny and I had agreed to meet by the carousel near the end of the pier at five past six. I arrived at six o'clock sharp. Exactly five minutes early. No decent man should ever make a woman wait on a date.

Those five minutes trickled by at a painfully slow pace. It didn't help that I was glancing at my watch every few seconds or so.

Finally, Penny emerged into view, looking remarkably charming in her apricot blouse, the same one that she wore when we first met on the cable car. Her every step made me feel increasingly excited yet increasingly nervous.

I knew that Penny never explicitly classified this dinner as a date, but I couldn't think of another way to define it. The dinner was a date by definition. Perhaps with less social expectation and bind, but a date nonetheless. A casual date of sorts.

My excitement and nervousness both rose to their peaks, but they quickly plummeted and gave way to disappointment when I noticed a second figure. A smug Andrew was trailing behind, but in stride with Penny. His button down t-shirt and Hawaii inspired board shorts radiated an easy confidence in the light breeze. At that moment, I felt a rare trace of jealousy towards his natural charisma.

As admirable as charisma was in a person, it didn't provide justification for their surprise appearance at this dinner. I waited for Penny to offer an explanation. My curiosity was tingling, but I knew better than to ask. It wasn't my place to interfere with her decisions.

Surprisingly, and to my disappointment, Penny didn't clarify the situation. Instead, she looped her arms through Andrew's and called out to me, "Let's go!"

Penny and Andrew led the way, and I lagged a few steps behind. The two were engrossed in conversation and I didn't want to interrupt. I was somewhat uncomfortable with this predicament. At first I thought Andrew was the odd man out; it now seemed like that distinction belonged to me.

We finally made our way to a cozy looking restaurant, where an older couple were sat. Both the man and the woman looked to be in their fifties, although age didn't factor heavily into their appearance. Any sort of wrinkles were limited to the corner of their eyes. Their hair were still shades of dark brown, a sharp contrast to their fair skin. A short boxed beard that covered the man's jaw further highlighted the difference in tone.

When we were within sight, they got up and gave Penny and Andrew a big bear hug. I felt awkward being left out of the proceedings, but it would have been even more uncomfortable to be a part of it. As a result, I remained standing, a safe distance away from the hugging quartet.

As the hugs came to an end, the older couple finally noticed and acknowledged my presence. They looked on hesitantly before glancing at my companions for an explanation. Penny didn't say a word. Instead, she opted for a smile and took a seat at the table. Andrew simply shrugged and sat down to her right.

We eventually settled on a handshake, something that everyone appeared to be comfortable with. Penny's silence put the initiative to introduce me in my own hands.

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