Chapter Ten - MH to GL

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I am surrounded by imbeciles. How can I possibly be only fifteen minutes into this meeting? - MH

Imbeciles? I thought you said you had a meeting with NATO this morning? - GL

Exactly. I can't bear this mindless drivel... - MH

Myc, I'd love to help, but surely you're meant to be... Y'know... Listening right now? - GL

Certainly not. - MH

Mycroft... - GL

It's hardly *important* what they're discussing. Nuclear weapons and such - MH

Hardly important? You shock me sometimes, Mr Holmes - GL

You know you love it though - MH

That was... Surprisingly flirtatious - GL

Is this a problem? - MH

Well... No. - GL

I suppose the only option from here is to continue, then. - MH

Hmm. Just a heads up, I am also meant to be involved in a meeting. - GL

Gregory! Put your phone away at once. I can't be responsible for putting you in any kind of trouble - MH

You're texting too!! - GL

I mastered the art of texting inconspicuously long ago. There's no chance of anyone noticing me, that's the difference! - MH

It's an office safety briefing and the whole building is here. I'm sat in the middle. Can my texting be excused? - GL

How visible are you? - MH

Practically invisible. Some crazy lad keeps questioning every practice - it's keeping everyone distracted enough - GL

Okay. You've convinced me. Now where were we? - MH

I do believe you were about to seduce me by text. - GL

Ah yes, I do remember. - MH

Go on then, Mr Holmes... - GH

Mr Holmes? Tad formal for you? - MH

Alright then. Myc - GL

Of course I don't *mind* being called Mr Holmes. After all, I do prefer to call you Gregory... - MH

And I don't mind that at all - GL

Sarcasm?? - MH

No! No - it's difficult to get tone across through texts. Are you around tonight? - GL

If I can cancel 'platonic dinner with Lady Smallwood' tonight, then yes - MH

You have a date with Lady Smallwood? I almost feel dejected  ;) - GL

Oh come off it. You of all people know  my preference in gender. If she weren't quite as important as she is, I'd be tempted to have her removed by "accident" - MH

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