Chapter Twenty - Promise me?

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Mycroft looked Greg up and down again. "Do you need to borrow anything?" he offered, gesturing to the stairs.
"Yeah... thanks."
Closing the front door behind him, Greg made his way into the hallway and followed the other man upstairs.
They entered Mycroft's dressing room - a room devoted to the various suits and other items he wore from day to day, complete with a sofa and tea-making supplies. In other words, a room he could hide in in desperate need.
Greg sat himself on the sofa with an ungraceful thud, owing to it being much lower than he'd expected. He discarded his jacket next to him, undoing a couple of buttons at the top of his shirt.
Meanwhile Mycroft was busy in the wardrobe, picking out casual shirts and jeans for both of them.
Finding the silence a little awkward, Greg ventured to apologise further "Myc, I am so sorry. It was a pretty dickish move of me to send you those texts... I really did appreciate that rose, just my coworkers had a lot to say about it."
"Please, Gregory," Mycroft began, still half buried between two waistcoats, "I have an awful trait for... worrying too much about things I perhaps should not. You must understand that I realise our relationship brings you certain... trials."
"Wait - what do you mean? I mean, I was a pretty ungrateful bastard about that rose, but I didn't think you'd read that much into the problems with my colleagues?"
"Ha - I read into everything Gregory. It's the curse of being a Holmes. From your earlier texts about their interest in the gift, and your later desperation, it was obvious." He smiled weakly as he passed Greg a blue checkered shirt.
Taking the shirt in his hands, Greg stared at it for a moment, deep in thought. "So... you're saying you're more upset about that than... Ohhhh."
Both men fell silent. With some effort, Mycroft planted himself next to his partner.
"...well, yes. You were angry because they found out about us... I hated the thought that in that way I was bringing you pain. I despised myself for it..." Mycroft avoided his boyfriend's eyes, instead twisting his fingers in his lap.
"Oh honey... you really took this to heart, didn't you?" came Greg's murmured reply.
"I spoke to Anthea." Mycroft avoided the question, "she said we ought to consider how public we should be, you know, work/life balance and all that-"
"-Mycroft, love, you need to tell me how much this has affected you. I need to know what I can do to help."
"-I'm fine, I am perfectly fine, all we need to do is discuss how comfortable you are with-"
"-shut up about me."
Mycroft blinked twice, surprisedly. "When I got here, you were in a dressing gown with your hair all over the place like an adorable rabbit and half a packet of biscuits in your pocket. I acted like a prick, yeah, but I need to know you're okay, love... I need to know what's going on in that brilliant mind of yours."
Finally Mycroft looked up to meet the eyes of the silver-haired man. He tried to keep eye contact as he began to talk, but instantly snapped back down as the words left his mouth,
"I... I thought you were embarrassed by me..."
Rougher skin against smooth, Greg held his boyfriend's hand, running his thumb gently across the back of Mycroft's. The other, he placed on his arm.
"Look at me." he spoke in low tones. Mycroft's eyes flickered upwards, "I am not embarrassed by you, Mycroft. Yeah, some of the people I work with have a problem, but fuck what they think. Half of them are half-wits anyway... I was angry today - the whole office was far too involved in us than the actual case, and I took it out on you."
"You are the kindest man I've met, Gregory, but-"
"-Mycroft! I'm not being sodding kind! Do you really think you mean less to me than a couple of people I work with? Really?"
"Well - I - er - no...?"
"For god's sake, no! I'd fire them all in a heartbeat if I had to - not that I'd ever make that opinion of mine public... The fact is Mycroft, I couldn't give a toss about them, if it means being with you."
"I- I don't know what to say-"
"All the things I just said are probably - no, definitely the truest things I've said in a while."
"But I - honestly I'm not worth-" Suddenly, Greg shot forward, pinning Mycroft's wrists to the back of the sofa, silencing his partner with a rushed, slightly angry kiss.
"Don't you dare ever say that you're not worth it, Mycroft Edwin Holmes. Promise me that, at least."
"...I promise." The auburn whispered, dazed and abashed by Greg's suddenness, "...but you, promise me this. Promise me you'll understand if I don't make our relationship too public?"
Greg frowned, "Well can you tell me why before I make a promise like that?"
"My position in this country is of a certain level that I could be considered by many as highly desirable-"
"-I'll say."
"-you know what I meant by that." Mycroft broke into a small smile, "I couldn't bear to put you in another situation such as the incident in Spain earlier this year. I won't let you die for me like that artist did for the French politician."
"And you know I would."
"Well don't. I feel it my duty to inform you of this, that being with me could put you in any kind of dreadful... bother." looking at his watch, Mycroft stood up and started to change into the outfit he'd prepared, "We ought to get going. 'Donald's closes at 11."
Greg also stood up, levelling himself with the other man, "Firstly, why on Earth do you abbreviate it as Donald's? Secondly, I'm a D.I. at Scotland Yard. My job is dangerous, and I know how to look after myself. Probably better than you could yourself. So, I'll kindly decline this promise and settle for a reckless life at the side of the British Government." the D.I. grinned, playfully tapping the end of Mycroft's nose with his finger.
"Certain?" Mycroft raised his eyebrows.
"Certain. Come on, I'll buy you an apple pie."
"Oh lucky me..." Mycroft rolled his eyes and walked to the door.
"I could've offered you a bloody happy meal you know."
"I hear they do tend to make one happy."
"Yeah, probably because of the weird radioactive chemicals or whatever's lurking in junk food."
"Shhh you'll put me off forever."
"What if I were to buy you a chocolate donut?"
"Well, in that case..."

A/N: Hiya! So, I managed to get another chapter out. I'll be honest, I'm really not sure how I feel about these last few chapters, particularly this one, but then again, writing angst isn't a strength of mine. Still, thought I'd give it a go for the experience.
Anyways... hope it's not *too* bad ;-)
Lots of love, Ellie x

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